Return of the College Road Trip

It will continue to become more dangerous for men to have sex in college as politicians continue to shift the venue for sexual assault investigations from trained police forces to untrained college administrators, and work to strip away due process rights for males in these university investigations.  The danger that a sex partner will come to regret an otherwise consensual sex act and turn it into a case that ruins a man's life has grown exponentially.

The solution?  As they say in Animal House:  Road Trip!

The most dangerous sex for men is with another student at the same university, because such sex acts are covered not by normal law and police procedure but by these new kangaroo presumption of guilt university hearings.  So to the extent guys need to hook up, do it outside of the school.  Go on a road trip to the college down the road.  Because in that case, the women are better protected (by police who know how to investigate sexual assault professionally) and the men are better protected (by due process rights the rest of us enjoy in every other venue except college).

Postscript 1:  Don't you dare read this and accuse me of somehow being a rape apologist.  I take rape far more seriously than the folks who are promoting these rules.  Rape should be handled by police with rape counselors and professional evidence collection and courts and prison terms.   Not by university clerks and school expulsions.

Postscript 2:  My son goes to Amherst College, which is right in the heart of all the Leftist new age academic groupthink.  I was comfortable sending him there because he treats the whole Marxist academic community like an anthropologist might study a strange new isolated tribe found in the Amazon.  It is interesting to study an isolated community whose assumptions and behaviors and worldview are so different from the rest of the civilized world.

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The statistic frequently cited by politicians and feminists is that one if five women will be sexually assaulted while in college. This number was derived from a survey of college females. The survey had a very low response rate, even though respondents received a $10 Amazon gift card. The self-reported figure was about 20%. Notice - SELF REPORTED. It was not based on college police records or local police records.

How does this number compare to actual records? I live in Athens, Georgia, home of the University of Georgia. UGA has almost exactly 15,000 female students every year. While that
number may vary slightly, I'll use that number as the basis of my
findings.For the past four years, here are the total stats for sexual offenses (I presume all the victims were women).

For 15,000 females, the one in five number equates to 3,000 sexual assaults. However, between 2009 and 2013, there were 47 sexual assaults reported.

Of these 47 sexual assault reports, seven were cleared, leaving a total of 40 actual sexual assaults. Of those forty, only four resulted in an arrest. The statistics do not report the disciplinary action taken with the other 36 sexual assaults.

Someone else can do the math for me (I never took statistics), but that's a huge discrepancy. 40 instead of 3,000? Wow.

The one in five number is completely bogus and is used solely by those with an agenda - usually an agenda to funnel money to various feminists programs and to elevate someone's career, political and otherwise.

40 sexual assaults in four years is still too high - any sexual assault should be vigorously investigated and either the guilty party should be arrested or any woman who is proven to have made false allegations should be arrested for libel/slander, depending on how it was reported.

It's a classic example of piling new law onto a problem that already has plenty of existing law to address it. Normally it would be better to either fix the existing mechanisms, or at least phase them out concurrently with building a replacement.

Part of the support for such things is that the general public often has little idea of how important parts of our society currently function. They just go, that should be illegal! Never mind that it already is.

My fraternity at Yale used to get invited several times a year to parties at the all girl Smith College in North Hampton, Mass. Despite its reputation, most of the ladies were excited to see us*. I stayed friendly with a couple I had met there and had I had social media, it may have been more. The trips were a fun excuse to leave campus and North Hampton is a great little New England town.

This was 20 years ago, so I'm not sure if I'd feel as confident staying the night as before, but we were usually ushered out fairly early anyway.

*I did see some strange behavior there, but I saw equally strange behavior without leaving campus.

In the absence of "Rape should be handled by police with rape counselors and professional evidence collection and courts and prison terms.", all that will happen is another version of this ...

The school I went to had been all male until the year before I applied. When I got there, the third and fourth year students would talk about how much better the school was when it was all guys. Not to be discriminatory, but it was easier to pull pranks and get in mild trouble without it turning into some sort of sexual assault hearing and likely expulsion if not criminal charges. The town also had a co-ed state university as well as an all-girl's school with which we still had a tradition of hosting events. This was the late '90s, but most people had a vague idea that it was better to be involved with people from the other schools or townies than it was to try mixing it up with people from the same school.

You know, seeing all this crap going on in modern colleges (both private and public), makes me thing that if I were a billionaire, I'd invest in a private all-male college. The marketing advantage of being able to tell parents their sons would never be subjected to this kind of crap would make it pretty darned easy to close the deal, I'd also have a ready-made client list among those who are victims of this kinds of crap.

I too am rather shocked how eager the rape apologists are to keep rapists out of jeopardy of prison sentencing. What is it about a college campus which means a rapist should be free to rape, face at most expulsion upon conviction, then be free to apply to another college and do it all over again?

Yes, the unjust push to lessen evidence standards will result in many innocent people getting expelled, but a far worse crime is going to be all the actual rapists who the vast majority of the time won't even have to worry about being put on a sexual offender registry.

They also included "touching" as rape in the definition. I bet a lot of the girls taking the survey were not even aware they were "raped" until they read the survey questions.

What the hell? Do rape laws somehow not apply on campus? Are rape laws insufficient? Lobby to improve them. Lobby to get colleges to report rape allegations to the police if you feel they are not doing well enough.

I would imagine that as this is a federal law, a kid expelled under these rules might have a valid due process claim. This would, over time, force colleges and universities to develop a parallel justice system, replicating most of the features of the local justice system.

Sounds cheap and efficient.

But this isn't really about protecting students from rape, it's about enforcing a much more expansive definition of "sexual assault" - creating new punishments for acts which the general public would not accept as 'jailable' offenses, based on evidence that would be less that what's required for a criminal conviction. So I think we will see these regulations get more complex and explicit, defining new crimes and punishments.

Um, 238 years of American history says it's worse to punish unjustly, 10 people, if it punishes one justly.

One more small detail. Rape is already illegal.

Here's a good blurb, but basically they did a survey and concluded that incidences like intoxicated sex are rape too irregardless of the what respondent said.

The real solution is all-male colleges. Let the gownies play with the townies, like their grandfathers did.

The feminists need inflated (and bogus) statistics to support their causes.

What colleges are calling "rape" would not stand a chance in a court of law. This is part of the "all men are rapists" view of the feminist movement.

You just recommended the age-old Massachusetts tradition of the fuck-bus. Weekend transport -- usually related to Wellesley or Smith:

The way I figure it college students define they're own transient culture. They're too young to have some sort of complex developed social structure and I'd hesitate to associate it with a political group. What your son is discovering is a bunch of kids who don't know crap about the world try to figure stuff out and do a lot of stupid stuff in the process.