The Hunger Games: Dispatches From District 48

Household Income DC vs US_2_0



The original subtitle of my blog has long-ago been eclipsed.  I am trying out a new one.  Our tributes usually wear a lot of copper.


  1. johnbr:

    Hello, from District 4. We have lots of clay.

  2. sean2829:

    I live in the DC area. The Washington Post has been running stories lately about the explosion of millionaires that made their fortune as contractors to the government. What you are also seeing is a gentrification of the city as the young educated elite move into downtown properties close to government agencies displacing long time, often poor, residents.
    The WaPo should be a must read for everyone in the country, even if they find it infuriating. You'd see just how arrogant all the "in the know" folks are who feel like they have all the answers and want a greater share of the county's wealth pumped through the city on the Potomac because they know they would make better decisions spending those dollars. This hubris creates opportunities in the privte sector for those who know how to play te game. Where else will you find such a huge spendthrift who will never run out of (other people's) money.

  3. Nehemiah:

    This is outrageous. We keep feeding the beast and it grows larger and wants more. Does any one have an opinion on Mark Levine's constitutional amendment state convention?

  4. mesaeconoguy:

    This also applies to your previous post, and my comment to Kevin Dumb.

  5. David:

    DC is a good proxy, but an even better one would be one that includes an artificial cut-out of the surrounding MD/VA counties. Most of the wealth isn't in the city proper, but is in some of the close suburbs like McLean, Great Falls, and Potomac. The Capital district would be the area that has around 4 million people in it.

    It is with noting that a decent amount of business is tangent to the Federal government (Marriott, & LivingSocial have HQs, and many tech firms have major offices here), but salaries end up being driven up by cost of living, which is driven up by the fedgov contracting. Certainly the fed presence is why this area didn't have a major slowdown / recession the way the rest of the country did.

  6. mahtso:

    "The Washington Post has been running stories lately about the explosion
    of millionaires that made their fortune as contractors to the

    Correct me if I am wrong, but the blogger is a contractor to the government. I wonder how his income compares to the median.

  7. herdgadfly:

    District 48 includes much of Elkhart County where unemployment has been running close to 9%