NPR on the Obamacare-Driven Shift to Part-Time Work
I don't have time to excerpt but, as I predicted, the media is finally catching up to the enormous shift (mainly in the retail and service sector) to part-time work. I had a long article on this at Forbes last week.
yeah larry's been trolling around the conservative blogs spewing out notecards from the obamacare page, its pretty funny.
dont know know people will love soylent green once they've had it? hahahaha gg, larry.
some might suggest....yeah, as in anyone with half a brain that took an honest look at it!
yeah, why cant bugs grow to be human sized? its just not fair! they should be allowed to grow as big as they wish - I mean, its not like the laws of physics would make their exoskeletons collapse or anything!
read up on history, pal - this was done because businesses lobbied the government for it, for ways to actually COMPENSATE their employees at a time when the government told them you cannot pay someone any more money than what we say!
what countries are the size of the US and do it efficiently in the least? why dont you go ask some canadiens how they feel about their healthcare - if they're patient enough to wait the line out! or how about the stellar performance of the NHS in england - people dying of thirst for chrissakes!
oh, and those countries voted on it and they were told whhat it was when it was done - not like the fkn shaft we got with obamacare where they couldnt even pass the goddam bill and they had to resort to a budgetary measure to "declare" ooh, we have a passage of the bill! remember pelosi saying if they build a wall, we will go around it, go over it? that wall is the constitution, and they broke it a few times over!!! if you're missing that TINY have a whole TON more homework to do.
just like anyone else who supports obamacare.
dude we have massive subsidies already - so it is a total strawman argument trying to get us to say we support subsidies.
what we dont support is an overt spontaneous repopulation of the the "system" - all designed to be centrally controlled and managed - if you want that crap, move to china or france - we've had enough of people like you fking up the USA.
What i point out about ObamaCare is the benefits of which are real to those we will be helped. The complexity of the law itself is really not much different than many others laws when they first get enacted. They usually are complex, have issues that need to be fixed downstream. Healthcare.govt directly contradicts much of the propaganda emanating from the opponents who are focused on what they don't like and refuse to admit the parts that are a benefit and again I remind - we'd not have ObamaCare at all if the people who seem to be the biggest opponents - the GOP - actually had preemptively done something when they had the opportunity - but even now - there is no real alternative on the table from the opponents.
I've said before that I supported the GOP individual mandate in 1993 and I support the Singapore approach and I point out that the Fed Govt FEHB which has been around for a long time has a dozen or more different providers who offer everything from catastrophic plans to Cadillac plans and it has worked well and ObamaCare exchanges are somewhat modeled after it.
but again, I'd support other approaches.. anything but what we are doing now which is - all of us are paying to provide ER-priced medical care to people with needs that are not ER severity.
We're all paying for that. Health insurance premiums doubled over 10 years and are projected to double again to the point where it consumes 30% of our GDP.
we are the only industrialized country in the world where that much of our GDP goes to health care. That kills us when we compete against other countries.. It becomes an embedded cost in everything we make and sell overseas.
ObamaCare is what you get when you refuse to deal with the problem.
oh, my, god forbid they lessen the hours of all those administrators they've hired! they'll still be buying the most expensive machine in the entire hospital, to put it right next to the machine that goes BINGGGGG
its funny people dont get that government punishment alters peoples behavior. companies have a ton of cash sitting on the sideline because they have no idea what their expenses will be, and when the bottom line is a huge fuzzy gray stripe, as a controlling authority of a company you would be derelict in your duties if you did not plan for contingencies that are written on the wall, even if the exact details of such are entirely in the dark!
of course, big companies do this by putting the squeeze on their workforce - so careful when you see a company have "a stretegy for the workforce" - you can basically be assured its a strategy against the workforce, and the executives that came up with it arent seeing their million dollar bonuses touched one red cent!
(personal experience...)
re: compensation. That's totally TRUE! but it's also totally true that we did not have to make it tax-free compensation or have it not portable. We did that with 401Ks, why not health insurance?
Canadians LOVE their health care. Have you seen their polls? There are always some malcontents and they are FREE to go buy more/better if they don't like the basic plan. Twice as many like their system compared to the US and their system.
we should do the same. A basic plan and you get more/better if you want it That's exactly what the Exchanges DO OFFER if you actually go take a look.
None other than George Bush and Mitt Romney believed that one of the main problems with US healthcare was the tax-free Employer-provided insurance and that it should
be taxed and that people should be able to take the benefit in dollars and go find a better deal. Right now - if a married couple works at two different jobs - if they both go
on one policy at one employer - they have to pay twice as much but they get no rebate at the other job to help pay for it.
so what do you think? should the US get rid of the tax breaks for employer-provided health insurance and let people go find it in the free market?
what would companies do if Congress took away the tax breaks for employer-provided health insurance? Isn't this really a subsidy from the folks who pay taxes but don't have tax-free employer-provided health insurance?
wouldn't that be a more "free market" approach?
Sure, the government "[taking] away tax breaks for employer-provided health insurance" would be more "free market." Because, in Lartard World, the government should tax everything and control everything. You are a filthy, disgusting assclown.
Employers have the option of providing health insurance to their employees, or not. Doing so is an incentive for people to apply for jobs and work at those businesses. The "tax break" that you blabber about does not pay the employers for providing insurance...the firms that do so actually have less net profit at the end of their fiscal year than employers that do not. But hey, don't let reality and facts get in the way of your typical Lartard drooling about the evil of capitalism. What a fucktard.
1.299 billion of those hits are LarryGrossTard trolling. He is OCD about displaying his ignorance to the world.
Ozerocare insurance exchanges aren't free and the insurance isn't, either. The people that can't afford insurance now won't be able to afford it after these glorious, Marxist bureaucracies get entrenched and begin siphoning off billions of tax dollars. But you keep on dreaming about your leftist Utopia, Lartard. You disgusting carbuncles on the ass of liberty are evil.
Yeah, because in Lartard's backassward reality, "insurance" equals "healthcare." In actual reality, that isn't the case. But don't get between reality and Lartard's filthy and sophomoric worldview...he'll flog that dead horse for the rest of his years. Retardation may be funny, but it ain't pretty.
Yeah, but he's a *confident*, *determined*, and *tireless* fool! And he uses lots of capital letters to bloviate and proclaim his retardation! Look at me! I'm retarded! He's just another apologist for filthy Marxism, doing all that he can to validate his filthy ideology and failing horribly. Of course, he's too befuddled by cognitive dissonance to acknowledge that he's completely wrong about everything that he's dedicated to, but that doesn't stop him from dropping his brain turds everywhere.
geeze guy... I'm staring to think you and meso guy are related! :-)
“Healthcare.govt directly contradicts much of the propaganda
emanating from the opponents who are focused on what they don't like and refuse
to admit the parts that are a benefit”
That is a fatuous and absurd statement.
I could take apart most of the content on that site, if I wanted to waste some time. Most of it is false.
I have far better things to do.
[This is a common problem when debating leftists like Larry – their misconceptions and false premises are so intertwined, it takes literally hours to unwind them.]
The Obamascare exchanges are designed to fail, and they will. There is no need for exchanges if free market policies are enacted, and multiple of those have been proposed, but none picked up by either of the 2 major parties (which is why you fail to notice them).
As for “paying for freeriders,” that is not the whole problem, and not a large cost driver. The largest cost driver is government interference, and insulation of cost from the patient.
You are willfully ignorant of both of these.
Fantastic, I am glad you are for something reasonable rather than this abomination they call Obamacare.
I knew you would turn around. Welcome to the logical side of the world.
Its a Ladybugadon, the Butterflopter, and the Beeadactyl all coming at me at once.
I wonder how much he gets paid to do this. I am pretty sure liberal orgs pay people like Larry to post illogical garbage on conservative/libertarian blogs. I guess coyote blog finally reached some threshold where they are willing to get someone to do it at least part time.
But Larry says they will get subsidies from money that comes out of thin air. Or maybe Warren Buffet will pay for it.
I have no conflicts on the issues at all and as I said before, I'd not only open to other solutions but I'm sorry we have no real alternatives actually proposed.
my only interest is the belief that our system is taking more and more of our productivity and channeling more and more into health care costs and that undermines our ability to compete in world markets and it diverts more and more money into entitlements.
we've been saying we have to do something since before 1993 and nothing has happened except for ObamaCare.
Being opposed to ObamaCare as part of being opposed to Obama himself without offering any real alternatives to compete against his version of health care is little more than just demonizing him without really addressing the issues -that have been with us long before he become POTUS.
Lartard is hopelessly delusional. He and his filthy ilk pine for the day when productive people are shunned by society and useless assclowns like him are the heroes of the R3VOLution, or some such bullshit. He's proved so many times that he's a mental retard that it's a wonder that I even bother replying to his blithering idiocy. I hate him and his fellow travelers...they all need a nuclear dickpunch.
Here's a question to ask the person who represents you in Congress: " What specific legislation have you sponsored or supported that would replace ObamaCare with something better?"
then a bonus question: " did you support creating Medicare PartD by the GOP under George Bush?" Would you now repeal it?
then a second one: " did you support the Individual Mandate under Newt Gingrich"? would you support an individual mandate and mandatory payroll tax such as is used in Singapore?
then a third one : " would you support repeal of Medicare, MedicAid and EMTALA?
see.... this really has nothing to do with ObmaCare and everything to do with no serious alternative ideas.
It's easy to blame Obama and the "libtards", but the reality is a little tougher.
now for some real homework, lay out for yourself all the ways we'd be better off with what we had as opposed to what's being forced upon us.
I was actually pointing out that for your Obama plan to work out, the subsidies for most low income employees who lose their high deductible plans from Wal*Mart will have to be subsidized 100%. I didn't say I wanted a 100% subsidy from Warren Buffet and George Sorros.
Actually there are plenty of subsidies at federal and state level for the poor anyway. SCHIP for kids medicare medicaid, VA benefits, Dept of Interior plans for Indians (Native Americans). Some states like Iowa have $80 a month plans if you choose to get all your services at state facilities (In Iowa the state facilities are very good - not like CA where you could get killed at Drew medical center)
In all actuality the government before Obamacare paid for most of the medical care for 50% of patients. This is the reason costs are so high because it is already 1/2 government run.
The answer really is fewer subsidies for everyone - except maybe the most extremely poor and handicapped. And even then I think Churches, and other non-profits would take over their traditional roles in these case, so government subsidy wouldn't be necessary at all.
Hmm All bogus augments Whether something was done in the past doesn't make the current system good. It is a non sequitur.
Nice try though.
The problem isn't just that the 90% have to subsidize the 10%
He also added all sorts of mandatory "free" services. It is the free services that caused the rates to go up the last two years.
He also engineered a transfer of payments from the young and poor to the old in rich, by mandating that the most expensive insurance can be no more than 3x the cheapest.
And the poor aren't even getting the insurance yet.
no.... that's the job of the opposition who hates this and wants something else.
what is the "something else" that you want that your elected representative is going to push forward?
I'm fine with this if there is nothing better... what's better that is realistic and that the opposition in Congress is willing to vote in favor of as a better alternative?
nothing in the past, and nothing now.... = no solutions, just opposition and gridlock
we know what you don't like What do you like that has a realistic chance to actually be proposed by the opposition in Congress?
if you do nothing for 20 years and you do nothing right now what is your complaint?
No I didn't - to repost from above:
I was actually pointing out that for your Obama plan to work out, the subsidies for most low income employees who lose their high deductible plans from Wal*Mart will have to be subsidized 100%. I didn't say I wanted a 100% subsidy from Warren Buffet and George Sorros.
Actually there are plenty of subsidies at federal and state level for the poor anyway. SCHIP for kids medicare medicaid, VA benefits, Dept of Interior plans for Indians (Native Americans). Some states like Iowa have $80 a month plans if you choose to get all your services at state facilities (In Iowa the state facilities are very good - not like CA where you could get killed at Drew medical center)
In all actuality the government before Obamacare paid for most of the medical care for 50% of patients. This is the reason costs are so high because it is already 1/2 government run.
The answer really is fewer subsidies for everyone - except maybe the most extremely poor and handicapped. And even then I think Churches, and other non-profits would take over their traditional roles in these case, so government subsidy wouldn't be necessary at all.
well no ... it's not "my" plan guy and I'm asking what specifically you would do to give a better plan?
and your answer to a better health care plan is " fewer subsidies for all".
that's a "plan"? that's what you'd propose to replace ObamaCare with?
you just supported subsidies like Singapore has - right?
which is it?
No you grossly mischaracterized the Singapore plan. I was just trying to correct you and to point out the points that work well are more free market than what we have in the USA. Yeah, they have a plan which is very minimal, that covers everyone, if you want more, you pay for it and the top tier in Singapore for those who pay a lot is pretty fantastic. In the US Obama is trying to get every poor person into the Cadillac plan and not pay for it, that won't work.
Please don't distort what I say.
nope I'll take the plan AS IS guy. No distortions here. I LIKE the Singapore Plan, You are the one that does not and wants to only take parts of it.
I, "me" , not you, DO characterize the plan as one that is an individual mandate with a m mandatory payroll tax - but that is the verifiable fact guy ... not a "distortion".
I keep asking what you are IN FAVOR of and all you cite is what you are opposed to.
I LIKE the idea of a very basic plan for everyone that allows anyone to get more and better if they can afford it but they get basic care no matter what.
Obama is NOT trying to get people into Cadillac plans. That IS a gross distortion.
I have directed you multiple times to where you can see for yourself that that is not true but you insist on repeating the lies and propaganda instead.
"Obama is NOT trying to get people into Cadillac plans. "
All I can say is you are lying. There is no other way to put it.
Obama is doing NOTHING guy. Congress created the law and it's regulations and shows the plans that are available. Why are you saying that whats available is only Cadillac when it's clearly not?
there are catastrophic plans over there for a couple hundred a month or less guy.
here's a plan for Virginia"
CoreShare 7500
Anthem Health Plans of VA(Anthem BCBS)
Compare (up to 3)
In-Network Out-of-
Pocket Limit:
Individual: $11,000.00
Family: $22,000.00Doctor Choice:
PPO Estimated Monthly Base Rate:
Estimated monthly base rate is $42.00 per month.Annual Deductible:Individual: $7,500.00
Family: $15,000.00Prescription
YesYou may be charged more.
30% received surcharged quotes.Annual Maximum Benefit:
Individual: No Maximum
Family: No MaximumHow many applications are denied?
11% who applied were turned down.
this is one of 104 plans that are offered.
" Estimated monthly base rate is $42.00 per month.Annual Deductible:Individual: $7,500.00"
this is not a lie guy....
Right, plus there's that whole IPAB disaster, which I still think bears a high percentage probability of being ruled unconstitutional, because it most definitely is.
However, as we have seen recently, what actually is unconstitutional and what the SC deems unconstitutional are often 2 different things.
The entire thing is a trainwreck.
"as in anyone with half a brain that took an honest look at it"
Alas, if only that group wasn't a minority in the US!
still not getting it, eh - "nothing better" is a misnomer. we have a healthcare system, albeit in a sickcare-drug-ya-up fashion.
oh btw, who pays for, subsidizes these drug companies to develop this stuff? the people of the USA.
so instead of developing new treatments for cancer, we're going to have oversubsidized flu, cold, cough shots for everyone.
can you get your head around that?
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