Predicting Netquakes
No matter what the SCOTUS decision on health care, the Internet is going to go apeshit tomorrow.
Dispatches from District 48
No matter what the SCOTUS decision on health care, the Internet is going to go apeshit tomorrow.
I hold the same sentiment, but which pundit should I watch or listen?
Rush? Stewart? Maddow? Maher? O'reilly? ... I'm like a kid in a candy shop!
No matter which way it goes, "the sky is falling" will be the sentiment, may be blue maybe red but either way will be a 'disaster'.
Republicans I think are at higher risk than Democrats: if ACA is junked in part or whole, the red types don't have a clue what
to do. If the ACA passes muster, the red types will have to wait til Nov et seq to respond. Obama can spin it either way in a
manner acceptable to his fans and the fans don't have any inkling of the fiscal mess the ACA represents in 8-10yrs.