
I know this is one reason ExxonMobil is hated by many, but you gotta love a CEO who is actually willing to speak his mind rather than spew the reconstituted generic platitudes that you get from most companies.  From CEO Rex Tillerson:

"If you want to live by the precautionary principle, then crawl up in a ball and live in a cave."



  1. Benjamin Cole:

    “If you want to live by the precautionary principle, then crawl up in a ball and live in a cave.”

    Love that quote--and it applies to many federal government functions.

    Do anyone realize that we spend $80 billion a year just in Defense Department R&D?

    And our only "enemies" are a few punk terrorists "armed" largely with homemade bombs?

    That no nation is a military threat to us? That other nations that do have militaries are allies?

    Sheesh, even if we shut down just Defense R&D, and kept the huge $1 trillion a year Defense-Homelnd Security-VA complex, we would save $800 billion in just 10 years.

    But who cares? Let's just kick the can down the road....

    That has to be the height of

  2. Don:

    Tillerson for President!

    Hey, we need SOMEBODY with the balls to say what needs to be said!