Wisconsin Officials Rushing to Prove Why Public Unions Are A Problem

So the Republicans in Wisconsin eliminated collective bargaining for public unions except on wages.  The Democratic Secretary of State, fully within the law, is delaying making the law official for 10 days.  This 10 days is giving us a great picture of the problem with public unions.

Why?  Because the 10 days was explicitly to allow cities and counties to cut new deals with unions, since all deals before the law is passed are grandfathered.  The fact that many city and county governments are rushing to take advantage of this window just proves that public collective bargaining is broken -- no one is looking after the taxpayers.  I have argued that public unions are basically on the same side of the table with governments in bargaining sessions.  What could be better proof?  If government officials really cared about the taxpayer or their fiduciary responsibility, why in the world would they be rushing to cut above-market deals with government employees when they won't have to do so in just 10 days?  Government officials are colluding with unions to race to transfer more wealth from taxpayers to workers before the window for such subsidies shuts.

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What better proof is there that the locals are bought and paid for by the unions?

The rush has been on ever since it was obvious that the Wisconsin legislature would eventually pass the legislation.

That seem counter intuitive to me. If these municipalities and counties are facing decreased state aid and cannot make it up on the backs of the property owners, how are they going to get that money? Layoffs and cutting services? But, those left will have a great benefit package. Also, its not clear to me that these contracts would be valid, at least in regard to the benefits and the retirement. So, if the law will say 6% contribution to the retirement and 12% to healthcare, and the contract specifies less, should not state law trump? Maybe, maybe not. But, don't forget, its for the children.

Doug, whatever is agreed to before the 10-days expires will be "grandfathered" meaning that the new law would not affect it. The politicians facilitating this with the unions don't care where the money comes from. The only way the unions don't get paid is if the state or local municipalities go bankrupt. The unions and politicians are betting that the voters will blink when a complete shutdown of services is imminent due to bankruptcy. THEY JUST DON'T CARE, PAY, PAY AND PAY SOME MORE SHOULD BE THEIR MOTTO.

Doug - it isn't counter intuitive when the local elected officials are ex officio members of the unions.

The breaking point will come when the progressives or liberals realize that essential services they favor like parks and libraries will not longer be funded because the union employees and debt service are getting it all.

Doug: "That seem counter intuitive to me. If these municipalities and counties are facing decreased state aid and cannot make it up on the backs of the property owners, how are they going to get that money? Layoffs and cutting services?"

I have a feeling that those results will be held up as evidence that the Republicans screwed up and cut too much out of the budget. All the pro union fervor that is being stirred up is providing fertile ground for the Big Lie.

@Doug: As caseyboy already pointed out, if there is even the slightest inkling that there might be a bankruptcy, either the state or the federal union will mobilize everything. If they can't get it through on their own dismal budgets, they will enact emergency measures. Let me tell you the story of the DDR which only could continue to operate by leeching on the whole of the soviet apparatus. Believe me, we in Europe have much more experience with stuff like that and before a city/region/state goes bankrupt, the whole nation has to be bankrupt....

This is the law of prolonged suffering and everyone has to endure it, especially libertarians, because they are a defenseless minority. There you go and this also adds up to the liberal hogwash claim that they are all for anti-discrimination, which is in their eyes very very selective... those liars...

I am sorry for the heated wording, but my soccer team just lost in the Champions League (which is not comparable to the Super Bowl, which I regard as NOT BEING ABOUT SPORTS. IF I wanted to watch fat people running around I would watch weightlifting....).

Counter intuitive as a taxpayer. I realize that its not for the Union. The local pols, though, may pay for it at the polls.

Oh Max, I was starting to like you until you slammed our Football.

Oh Max, I was starting to like you until you slammed our Football.

I think I like him more, now. ;)