Finger on the Pulse of America

Yeah, I can see the Administration has its finger on the pulse of what all Americans feel to be the real, burning issue confronting the TSA.  Specifically:

"It is no secret that the morale of the TSO workforce is terrible as a result of favoritism, a lack of fair and respectful treatment from many managers, poor and unhealthy conditions in some airports, poor training and testing protocols and a poor pay system," said AFGE President John Gage. "The morale problems are documented by the government's own surveys. TSOs need a recognized union voice at work, and the important decision of the FLRA finally sets the process in motion to make that right a reality."

At every airport I have been to lately, there are probably two TSA workers standing around doing nothing for every one working.  Obviously this is a brutal productivity standard, and TSA workers long for the conditions that obtain, say, among municipal road workers where five or six workers stand around doing nothing for every one working.


  1. caseyboy:

    Of course they need a union to protect them for the money grubbing, monopolist, capitalists who want to exploit their labor. Wait a minute, aren't these government positions working for the people? Can we the people actually exploit we the people?

  2. Fred:

    "among municipal road workers where five or six workers stand around doing nothing for every one working."

    What's orange & sleeps 8?

    City of XXXX Public Works Truck

  3. Doug:

    There's nothing like "money" to boost a worker's productivity! Says so in the union handbook!

  4. wilky:

    A couple of years ago I had a union brother tell me that I was working to hard(meaning I didn't turn a 45 minute into a 90 min. one) and that "we" can't create any jobs till I slow down. All I could do was shake my head and walk away.