

  1. Noah:

    Somebody care to explain why the blacks are described as African-Americans and the whites aren't otherwise identified.

  2. Evil Red Scandi:

    It's great to know where the government's trying to take our economy. Note to self: stock up on paint.

  3. DrTorch:

    Great pix.

  4. Kevin Jackson:

    Off-topic: I think this will sound familiar to you: Gov. Mitch Daniels on privatizing a toll road.

  5. perlhaqr:

    Noah: If I had to guess, it's because they're printing the original captions from the 40s, and updating the terminology so it doesn't say "blacks" or "negroes".


    I was interested by all the pictures from New Mexico. To be honest, it didn't really look all that different. I did have to wonder at what would inspire someone to pack up and move to Pie Town, though. That's really just smack in the middle of nowhere.

  6. Business University:

    Business University
    we are watching very carefully on this matter. no one can take decision easily on this matter

  7. MBTshoes:

    very good photoes,back in time!!

  8. Jim M:

    what happened to the link?

  9. Russ R.:

    Amazing photo set. America before obesity.

    I wonder what people 70 years in the future will think when looking back at snapshots (or YouTube videos) of today.

  10. anon:

    "America before obesity."

    Yeah, because they couldn't afford food.

    For our poor today, calories are the cheapest form of pleasure available.

  11. TC:

    Most excellent display of our nation on the verge of and during the budding of war.