Pretty Cool
I thought this was interesting, not only for the unified control algorithm, but also just for the lifting capacity of these little buggers. Via Engadget
Dispatches from District 48
I thought this was interesting, not only for the unified control algorithm, but also just for the lifting capacity of these little buggers. Via Engadget
Pretty nice! A friend of mine works for the Fraunhofer Institute and works on integrated observational drones for police, fire brigade and ambulance duties. They are currently developing a multi component system, where they have a mobile station to recharge their quadrocopters and to have multiple drones scout closed-quaters like houses. There is some really cool stuff going on right now (though I don't like the cops getting better at sniffing out marijuahna plantages...)
Oh great. Flying robots with 4 flesh cutting blades each that can work together and drop bricks on our heads.
What could possibly go wrong?
This technology could lead to the long awaited flying car or even a "flying belt". The digital control allowed with electric motors seems to resolve all the control issues of other power sources. "I want my flying car!"