I Guess I Was Wrong. Arne Duncan Really Does Favor School Choice

From Ed Morrissey:

Chicago Breaking News reported late last night that former Chicago schools chief and current Secretary of Education Arne Duncan manipulated a system to favor powerful political allies by placing their children in the schools of their choice.  The discovery of a  list, the existence of which had been long denied by the city, and its composition of mainly high-powered political figures calls into question the appeals system used to reconsider applications that had been denied by the top Chicago-area schools:

This is going to be even more fun when this game is applied to jumping the hospital waiting list.

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Death panels.

Do you mean jumping the list at the recently re-named Karl Marx Memorial Hospital? Or how about at the Vladimir Lenin Clinic for Advanced Neurosurgery? (for elite party members only!)

The precedent for jumping the waiting list in British NHS hospitals was established in its early years by "left-wing firebrand" Member of Parliament, Barbara Castle. As we used to sing:-

It's the same the whole world over
It's the poor what gets the blame
It's the rich what gets the pleasure
Ain't it all a crying shame?

And what you really want to be rich in is political "pull".

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