Email Marketing

My brother-in-law's book, "The Constant Contact Guide to Email Marketing," is doing quite well on Amazon.   After the early spam-crazy days, email marketing has really had to rebuild itself from the ground up.  I am a big believer in it, and can highly recommend his company Constant Contact as a email service.  I have several accounts and have set most of the non-profits I work with on it.  In his book, Eric discusses email marketing in the context of both customer acquisition and loyalty.  With Google clicks going for $2 or more, email remains a great value if done right.


  1. Allen:

    Constant Contact, eh? Very nice!

  2. Evil Red Scandi:

    Looks interesting. I just ordered a copy...

  3. John Moore:

    Historical tidbit...

    The very first internet spam was originated in Phoenix in 1994. Unfortunately, the scum-bags were customers at the same ISP that I was using. The reaction to the spam across the net was a week long denial of service attack on the ISP.

    They went on to write a book ( How to Make a Fortune on the Information Superhighway ) on how to be successful spammers.

  4. roger the shrubber:

    ANY business that ever tries that "constant contact" crap with me will lose my business forever. send me a catalog once in awhile, fine. pester me on a daily/weekly basis (no matter how much they try to dress it up in sophisticated clothing, it's no different than a 3rd-world beggar kid incessantly tugging your sleeve demanding alms) and you cross a line and break a trust that you'll never get back.

    just as i coldly reject all cold-call sales attempts; just as i won't take calls from the guy who sold me my last car; just as i refuse to buy from anyone fool enough to irritate me by knocking on the door of my home, i won't do business with constant naggers. every business has its competition: i'll just take my business to them. i'll call ya when i need ya, guys - don't call me.

  5. Matt:

    I do occasionally sign up to receive emails from companies whose products I use/purchase regularly. The key is moderation. If I start getting multiple emails in a week, I'm off the list. AirTran was obnoxious. Some good companies come to mind like Nintendo and Panera Bread, it's closer to one email a month.

  6. Douglas2:

    I had been researching garage/barn/workshop plans, and a few of the online vendors of premade plans offered free review plans in exchange for an email address. Disposable email addresses are cheap. So I used one to sign up. I got a nice set of review plans that helps my thinking on my project, and expected to get occasional regular emails thereafter.

    A funny thing happened: The first email that came offered an article on woodworking glues, how to know what was appropriate for what purpose. I ignored it. The next email that came offered an article on the trade-offs between different types of outbuilding foundations. I clicked through, and it is a great article.

    I hope that this guy is getting enough return on his investment in time preparing these articles, because I've (much to my surprise) started anticipating the next one.

  7. DrTorch:

    This would all be solved if we had an E-mail Marketing Czar


  8. roger the shrubber:

    naaah. the first thing the guy would say is, "it's all bush's fault." then we'd find out he's a lifelong commie who's never once paid his taxes and is on the FBI 10-most-wanted list. they'd fire him on a friday afternoon, and we'd be stuck paying his lifelong federal pension and bennies.

    what we NEED to do is **pass a law**, see.....with confusing regulations and a huge, expensive regulatory agency. and the agents get to carry guns, because when email is outlawed, only outlaws will have email. and some of those guys are pretty dangerous.

  9. James:

    @Dr. Torch... HA!

    re: e-mail marketing, most non-profits and businesses in my area use emma ( I have always thought they were the best in the industry.