Capitalism: A Real Not Sarcastic Love Story
Sure, we all know that a series of carefully edited anecdotes on film constitute better evidence than comprehensive data and statistics, but Mark Perry soldiers on and does what he can anyway to rebut Michael Moore's new movie. He has lots of good charts, but his summary is:
the evidence clearly demonstrates that along with capitalism and greater economic freedoms come: a) higher per-capita incomes, b) higher incomes for the poorest 10%, c) greater life expectancy, d) less corruption, e) cleaner environments, and f) greater political rights and civil liberties. Not a bad record for a system that Michael Moore portrays as evil, and says did "nothing for him."
I am always amazed at these attempts to portray countries like Cuba as superior to the US for the common man. One only has to look at immigration patterns (and even better some measure of desired immigration intent, since our ridiculously restrictive immigration laws keep so many people out of this country) to see the common man's preferences. Moore and his pears are like a man who looks at a river running from north to south and then arguing that the land in the south must be higher.
Just as an aside, there have probably been thousands of states in world history. Of all those thousands of states and regimes from history, including the hundreds that exist today, there are probably only 15-20 that would have social, economic, and political systems that would allow a man born to modest circumstances to make a fortune through criticism of the government and the social elite.
I pointed at this comment....
I "know nusseeen" about netiquette, so please excuse if this is improper..
Just though it worth pointing out that although Mr. Moore is without PEER (not always a good thing) he surely is one of many shaped like a PEAR. It would be hard to find a greater hypocrite outside of political office.