
I must say that I do find it interesting that a few heated verbal exchanges and one guy carrying a gun peacefully somewhere near where the President was speaking is considered a looming threat from the right to civil society while lefties physically clashing with police and destroying property (again near the President) is treated as ho-hum, more leftish rioting.  The same bored reaction tends to result from union violence as well.  Is it bias, or have we just had years to get used to violence on the left?  With memories of Seattle, all subsequent violence I guess seems tame and not worthy of comment.


  1. Evil Red Scandi:

    It's because when the lefties engage in physically violent demonstrations it's out of a peaceful love for the harmony of mankind.

    When righties and libertarians engage in physically peaceful demonstrations it's because their hearts are full of rage and bloodlust and the desire to rape the planet and humanity.

    I still can't believe I have to explain this stuff to you. It's plus plus ungood.

  2. LoneSnark:

    It is never just one reason. One reporter is swayed by the good vs bad intentions argument, another is swayed by the "otherwise we would agree with them" argument, and yet another is swayed by the "we've seen it all before" argument. In the end, I suspect it is all just a huge coincidence that all the arguments cut the same way.

  3. Mesa Econoguy:

    It’s stupidity, which leads to bias. Reporters are all lefties (yes, that’s absolutely a true generalization), as are academics (a very small, silent minority of right-leaning and classical liberal population). Reporters are also not very intelligent. Which is why they’re reporters.

    Every 8-12 years, we need to be reminded of just how stupid (lefty) self-proclaimed “smart people” can be. The trouble is, the gradual slide leftward continues, and incremental movement back towards the right does not amount to recovery of the original position (see Kelo, decided under a “conservative” Court).

    Nice juxtaposition of events.

  4. seanooski:

    Aren't you talking about leftists? Lefties are people who are left handed. Oh, it seems insulting to say leftists? So what? They deserve to be called what they are. Leftists. Thank you.

  5. Mesa Econoguy:

    Nah, I usually just call them lefty freakazoid sociotards. “Lefty” for short.

  6. Val:

    My experience with the academics is this: We are so very very smart, here in our utopian haven of campus where we think really really hard about how great things would be if only... if only... DAMN!!! WTF??? Isn't that Joe who was a lowly C student in a class that I taught (very smartly I might add) making three times the money I do in my really important (and smart!) position at the university?!? AHHHHH!!!!!! Capitalism is BAD BAD BAD!!!!

  7. Gringo:

    Mesa Econoguy:
    Reporters are also not very intelligent. Which is why they’re reporters.
    While by and large I would agree with you there are exceptions. Perhaps inspired by Watergate, a number of graduates from my high school went into journalism. I know of two Merit Finalists from my high school who became journalists. One is a left wing moonbat . Think of Cindy Sheehan with brains, if you can. The other is a libertarian. One learned something from life; the other did not.

  8. Mesa Econoguy:

    No one was inspired by Watergate; there were 75 larger stories under JFK.

    Some literally.

    Journalists are universally lazy, stupid, and socialist.

  9. Mesa Econoguy:

    No one was inspired by Watergate; there were 75 larger stories under JFK. Some literally.

    Journalists are universally lazy, stupid, and socialist.

  10. Mesa Econoguy:

    JFK originated most of Nixon’s Watergate tricks.

    Nobody learned from Watergate – the press has been an adjunct member of the Democratic Party for 60+ years.

  11. Joseph Hertzlinger:

    I think the assumption is that anybody who has to riot when they have an administration nominally on their side of the political spectrum is too nuts to be taken seriously.

    This assumption may even be right.

  12. Tom Moses:

    On that lefty thing, try doing a word search (left & right) on multiple versions on the bible. An older version (mid 1940) actualy calls the left evil.
    Jesus sits on the right hand of the Father. When giving, don't let the left hand know what the right hand is doing. And there's always that awful word called "rightous".

  13. spiro:


    The word "sinister" comes from the Latin word for left - as in "left-handed" or "left side"