Things That Are Below Average
Having the A/C fail when it is 115F outside.
The good news is that it is only 92 in my bedroom. Oh, and its a dry heat.
Update: The candy bars in my pantry are all melted.
Dispatches from District 48
Having the A/C fail when it is 115F outside.
The good news is that it is only 92 in my bedroom. Oh, and its a dry heat.
Update: The candy bars in my pantry are all melted.
Even when it's dry heat, once it starts to hit the upper 80s / lower 90s it's hot.
Could be worse- I don't even have A/C. It's 90 in the house right now, and it's nearly sundown.
Good thing global warming is a fiction ;-)
Good read on the effects of the 'greens' on climate policy, when the next ice age moves in: "Fallen Angels" by Jerry Pournelle ... we here in the desert SW would enjoy this.
Yeah, we lost power a couple of days ago, when it was 107. Good old APS... every year we have at least one extended power outage, and our power lines are buried so there's really no excuse.
It took them 5 hours to restore our electricity.
Fortunately, I have an inverter in the SUV to power storm chase equipment, so I used it to run a fan (YES!), a lamp, and of course, the computer (with no internet connection).
Then our water went out. We live way up on a ridge in PV, and the small Paradise Valley Water Company water tank is about 20 feet in elevation above out home. When the power goes out, the water follows shortly thereafter.
Ain't it wonderful how the government, through utilities regulation, provides us monopolies with such wonderful service (and RAPIDLY rising rates)?
You guys suck! I live in Pa and the hottest day this year occurred on april 25th. I'd kill for an 80 or 90 degree day this summer. Bring on the global warming!
Ironically, I have the same problem. The wife and I went to see the new Harry Potter flick, and when we got back, the house was over 90 and climbing. Damn desert summers... Tomorrow's high is about 115 too. Looks like fun...
Nice and informative site….good work!
Well, we never have A/C's here in Europe, and we can cope (if we are not elderly that is). It's just a question of how much you paid for your house and its isolation-material and whether or not your bedroom is on the sunny-side or not :D
Most of Europe is north of the US and many US homes in northern states don't bother with A/C. Coyote lives at the same latitude as Tunisia which is a bit warmer than say London or Paris.
Greg: no kiddin'. I live in the heart of the Finger Lakes. It probably won't get above 70 today. We have not had a summer this year.
I live in San Diego and have no idea what the hell any of you are talking about (/me runs, ducks, and hides).
Reached a scorcing 70 in Indianapolis today, and will get down to 55 overnight. The phase unseasonably cool has taken on a new meaning. About 20 degrees below normal.
Make that scorching. I always was a terrible speller....
Our AC went out a couple months ago. Luckily, I'm good at solving problems. Turned out to be an $19 start capacitor on the compressor. I got the capacitor from Allied Electronics. I also bought a contactor, as the one on our AC is looking a bit worn, and I paid for priority shipping to get the system up and running ASAP. Total cost came to around $60.
Regarding the candy bars melting, perhaps it's the new government-mandated weight-loss program at work...
Spent the weekend on the Lake Michigan Shore in Kewaunee, WI. Saturday at 10:00 AM the Temperature was 61 Degrees. If you walked out on the pier into the lake it was so cold it was like the icy hands of death had ya. The fun thing to ask was "When does summer start around here??" Anyone in the Midwest is asking if there was some volcano that erupted and is blocking out the sun or something. It has been so wet and rainy that there is mold growing on my aluminum siding. It's freaky...
yeah yeah yeah, y'all *write* about weather discomfort, but where were you that august in houston when the temp never got below 93, and the humidity never got below 90%? dry heat means (at least some of the) sweat evaporates. in houston, it just pools there on your skin, attracting hungry dinner-plate sized mosquitos, until it soaks your shirt. and your pants. and your shorts, socks, tie, and belt. whatever else the weather in hell may or may not be, trust me: it's humid there.
Well, what you are all saying is that, lifestyle decisions are more important than govt. decisions. We live in Cordoba, Veracruz Mexico at 3200 feet altitude and the climate is always perfect--year-round. Here the govt. is weak, the cost of living very low, and the climate, AS I SAID.