Friday Funnies: Homeopathy

Sometimes one molecule of active ingredient diluted into the entire volume of the world's oceans still isn't enough of a pick-me-up on a Friday afternoon.  So I leave you with this, via John Stoessel:

Anyone want to bet that things like homeopathy will get included in the government's "must cover" rules under the new health proposal?


  1. Tom Kelly:

    Anyone want to bet that abortion will get included in the government’s “must cover” rules under the new health proposal?

  2. epobirs:

    It horrifies me that I can think of quite a few people who wouldn't get this joke at all.

  3. Roy:

    Actually, Tom, I wonder if one can find those who would bet abortion won't get the "must cover" status.

  4. Mark:

    We Should Have Expected This Absurd Fact of the Day A Bug In Health Care, A Feature In Everything Else Past Favorites