Where Is Coyote?

I am on vacation with my family.  We went to my 25th reunion at Princeton last week, and are now spending some tourist time in Washington DC.  Be back soon.

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While you're in DC, one worthwhile stop is the Library of Congress reading room - it's across the street from the Capitol, and the entrance includes a Gutenberg Bible (which is cool). However, the best part is the dome, which is some of the prettiest enlightenment-era art you're likely to see in quite a while. Definitely worth seeing if you haven't.

Also, the Udvar-Hazy museum (the Air and Space additional hangar near Dulles airport) is really neat as well.

Another DCian here.. if you enjoy photography at all, walking along the tidal basin at dawn is amazing. The sun rises off to the side of the Capital and the light hits the Jefferson Memorial and the buildings in Rosslyn. It really is amazing.

Have a good time! I went to DC for the first time last summer and I LOVED it. It being my first time and all, I mostly hit up the basics, which I'm sure you've already seen, so I won't make any suggestions. However, I will say my favorites were the Museum of Natural History and Arlington National Cemetary.

Hmm. As a long time D.C. area resident, I often wonder - if it's "Tourist Season", what's my limit?


There are amazing sights here - and finding new wonders is commonplace.

Well, after you see the Air and Space museum on the mall, don't forget to take the free shuttle out to the annex by Dulles airport. Stuffed literally to the rafters with more aviation goodness, including the space shuttle Enterprise, the Enola Gay, an SR-71 Blackbird and a Concord.

BTW, the mineral collection in the Museum of Natural History is the largest on earth. Only a small fraction of it is on display.

Just be careful of any exhibits featuring roadrunners. They tend to be crafty and vindictive around coyotes.