A Better 404 Page
Google's got a new little widget one can embed in a custom 404 error page that looks like this. Its cool because in addition to a search box, it claims to be able to provide the user the closest matching page in cases of typos. I am playing around with it for several of my sites, though I don't think it is an option for the blogs -- I am pretty sure there is no way to implement a custom 404 page on a typepad search. By the way, the Google dashboard / webmaster tools site is pretty helpful, particularly if you are really interested in where and how your search traffic is coming in. I implemented a new sitemap for each of my blogs and uploaded them to google via the webmaster tools site and saw an immediate increase in search hits.
Could you post the link as a screen shot? Clicking on it takes me to where I could sign up for google dashboard, it doesn't actually show me what it looks like. Thanks.
I think you posted the wrong link. This goes to a google admin page, not a sample 404 page. For others who come here, try THIS link for a more detailed explaining and screen shot: http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2008/10/webmaster-tools-shows-crawl-error.html