Thanks, Trial Lawyers
Because of the all-to-prevalent theory (which may become even more common if Jon Edwards becomes our next AG) that every accident must be the fault of the nearest person with deep pockets, I wasted an hour today.
I visited the NFL experience today with my son. The NFLX is a kind of football-themed fair or amusement park that the NFL sets up near the site of each Superbowl (HA HA NFL -- I said it. I said "Superbowl" and not "the big game." Come and get me). After waiting in a reasonable line to enter, we found that to play the games (e.g. throw the football through a hoop) every participant (read 10,000+ people) had to individually fill out and sign a liability waiver and get a wristband attesting to the fact. There were about 16 clerks at work, but it still was about an hour-long wait.
It struck me that the NFL could have come up with a much better process. Why not have people with Internet access (about everyone, since almost 98% seemed to be there with tickets they bought on the internet) print out the waiver and bring it with them already filled out? The manager on-site claimed that Arizona state law and the Arizona AG required that the process proceed the way it did. I give that explanation about a 50-50 between being correct and just covering their butt for something stupid.
Anyway, once signed, we had a good time at the event, and it was well worth the effort.
You have provided a very usefull information. Thanks, keep it up