Perfect Gift for the Holidays!
From the Business Opportunities Weblog:
Continuing my list of my favorite business books of 2007 brings us to another unconventional one: BMOC.
While the book, by Warren Meyer, is fictional, it does contain a number
of interesting business ideas, including my favorite outlandish
business opporunity of all time: fountain coin harvesting.
Amazon link for BMOC here (sorry, I tried to get the price cut for the holidays but it really takes a long time for that to work through the system).
Barbara Meyer:
Don't apologize Coyote. BMOC is worth any price. Of course, I'm your mother, so......
December 14, 2007, 5:55 pmJimS:
Wow, so I'm not so weird for telling my kids they can take coins out if there's not a sign to the contrary?
December 15, 2007, 10:27 amDaveN:
Hey there,
Weirdest biz idea I've ever heard of: a colleague bought a bunch of gumball machines, placed them around shopping centers. Then bought gum removing machines to clean pavement and sidewalks. Ingenious, but strange.
Love your blog(s), especially climate-audit. I worked briefly on hydroclimatology at Los Alamos - the AGW biz is just that, a biz; when its not a cult.
December 15, 2007, 1:57 pmDaveN
Aww heck, checked back and noticed I referred to the wrong climate blog. Many groveling apologies sent your way.
December 20, 2007, 7:19 am