Great Moments in Marketing Claims

"This prehistoric pet interacts and behaves like a one-week-old dinosaur."

Uh, right.  Based on substantial observational data, I am sure.  More correct statement:  "This toy behaves just like the baby dinosaurs you saw that were so cute in that Spielberg movie."


  1. Brian:

    "This toy behaves just like the baby dinosaurs you saw that were so cute in that Spielberg movie."

    So .. what - after three weeks it grows fangs and devours people?

  2. Brandon Berg:

    You pasted the phone number of one of your parks into the link.

  3. CT_Yankee:

    We haven't had a chance to observe the latest toys yet, but there are at least two guys in my department that may still remember the dinosaurs.

  4. Randomscrub:

    Link broken.