Frampton Still Alive

I saw Peter Frampton in concert tonight from the eighth row of a small venue.  He still puts on a really good concert.  It is really rare to see someone who has been touring as long as he has having so much fun on stage.  The 40 minute rendition of "Do You Feel Like We Do" was worth the price of admission alone.  The show had a little of everything, from some acoustic guitar to a Soundgarden cover.  He ended the final set with his friend George Harrison's "While my Guitar Gently Weeps," which was quite good.

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My old friend Richard "Scooter" Oi is Pete's production manager and lighting director. I got to sit-in as L.D. for a couple of tours when Scooter had to pay attention to another act back in '99. I hadn't kept track of Pete for a long time, and was very pleasantly surprised at how good he and his band were.

I think he'll be worth seeing for as long as he lives.