You Know You Have Been In Government Too Long When... equate the government choosing not to provide a service with that service being banned. Michael Cannon quotes our Speaker of the House:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's understanding of government's role in a
liberal democracy (and of the veto power) may be worse than I thought. A reporter sends a transcript of a press conference that Pelosi held yesterday, where she made the following remarks:Oh, [President Bush] used the veto pen to veto the stem
cell research bill. That was a major disappointment. . . . I remember
that veto very well because he was saying, "I forbid science to proceed
to improve the health of the American people."Regarding Bush's threatened veto of the Democrats' expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program:
The President is saying, "I forbid 10 million children
in America to have health care." You know from your Latin that is what
"veto" means.Pelosi should know that there is a difference between the government not funding something and forbidding it.
Is that outlook a function of her tenure or her ideology?
If you consider that Pelosi probably thinks that ONLY the government should be providing "health care" and research, then it's not too surprising.
Like Ron Paul says, the current Washington atmosphere is all about either banning it or subsidizing it. No room for free choice.
Pelosi has showed many times that she's a dim bulb.