A Thought on Blogging Relevance

You know you are not one of the blogging big boys when you dig into your referral logs to find the source of a bump in traffic and discover it is from a link buried inside a comment thread at a larger blogger.  No one here but us minnows.


  1. ScottH:

    But if they play their cards right minnows eventually become bullfrogs (or Cane Toads;-). Just wait...

  2. rufus:

    Yeah, then the water mocc'sin eats'em.

    Oh, wait . . . .

  3. Larry Sheldon:

    What happened to my comment?

  4. DngrMse:

    I read a lot of blogs. Coyoteblog is one of the best, and I check it daily now. Well...several times per day.

  5. DngrMse:

    I read a lot of blogs. Coyoteblog is one of the best, and I check it daily now. Well...several times per day.

  6. tsiroth:

    I'm pretty sure minnows continue to be fish whether or not they play cards.

  7. Laurence Sheldon:

    Well, I don't know what happened to my original post but I can't believe it was killed for cause with nobody being willing to say why, so I'll assume gremlins and try again, if I can remember what the priceless prose said.

    I think it was an attempt at comfort--some of us don't want to wade through the sometimes swampy "big blogs", preferring to check in with known filters for the good stuff.

    Or something.

    And it is polywogs or multiwogs that become frogs, toads, princes and all of that.

  8. coyote:

    Sorry about your lost post - don't know why. Be assured I have never deleted a comment in all of history, except when it was obvious spam.

  9. Reformed Republican:

    Tadpoles become frogs (unless they become a meal first).

  10. Jay:

    I thought minnows took people on specially extended three hour tours...

  11. la petite chou chou:

    Tadpoles and pollywogs are the same thing. And both sound equally strange when said.