Relatives in for a Visit

Unfortunately, it was long distance and dark, so conditions were not very good for photography.  Still waiting for that perfect photo-op, but it's surprisingly hard when most family visits we get are at sunset and sunrise.


Update:  By the way, for any of you dog photographers out there - is there a good way to get rid of the bright eye / green eye in dog (or coyote!) photos that is the equivalent of human red eye?

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suggestion - use high pixel camera...

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turn the flash off.

Redeye (or greeneye) is usually light from the flash reflecting back off the inside of the eye. You can either turn flash off or move it away from the axis of the lens (i.e., an external flash unit).

If you have a photo editing program use the circle selection tool to select the bright area, then desaturate it (turn to B/W) and further darken as necessary.

Thanks for the help. Unfortunately, this was a high pixel camera but from a long distance without a tripod. The long distance accentuated the jiggles and the low light, at least with the settings I had, increased the exposure and made things blurry

My understanding is that the light reflecting off the back of the eye gives you this demonic look. In this case you may not have had a flash, but it appears enough light was reflected out of the coyote's eye that you got the same thing.

Kurt's advice is about the best solution I know of. Newer versions of Photoshop include a "get rid of redeye" button. I don't know if they would be smart enough to get rid of green eye.

There's a tutorial for using Gimp that show the basics for one approach at . The general idea should work in any photo editing program you have.