He's Not My Favorite Son

I am not a big fan of Arizona's John McCain.  I beyond my problems with the McCain-Feingold disaster, I have always suspected him of being a big-government populist, willing to intervene on any issue in the boardroom or the bedroom.  Matt Welch has taken the time to try to decode McCain, and comes to a similar conclusion.


  1. david foster:

    Also, from listening to him I don't get the impression that he's all that intelligent.

  2. Ray G:

    Flying jets in the military does take a little more in the brain department than the average Joe, but no, he's not particularly intelligent in the larger sense.

    I've learned to accept a certain amount of politics as usual simply because human nature is what it is, and a person just isn't going to rise that far in politics without a certain amount of compromise. But, but. . . big but here, the McCain-Feingold issue is a tragic miscarriage of justice, a stain on the republic, an egregious strike at my individual rights. This isn't simply a tax credit/cut/hike or giving in on one small thing to get something else approved.

    McCain/Feingold is dark and sinister like something out of an Ayn Rand novel.

  3. Rob:

    Maybe the question should be asked is if an elected official can be small gov't anymore. If he/she goes to the senate demanding pay cuts and more work for congress, then he/she will be hung out to dry. It seems McCain is just playing politics, and I don't agree with it either...

    Does anyone know of any politicians who want small gov't? And have been around for more than 1 term? Maybe we never will since people have figured out they can elect selfishly elect themselves welfare. I about puked when a relative (who claims to be conservative) said that he would vote for someone who is going to give him benefits for himself and family!!!?!?!?!

  4. Ray G:

    Jeff Flake is genuine in his (small L) libertarian ideals, i.e. small govt, etc. But he's pretty much maxed out in reaching Congress. I hope he stays around so he can remain a thorn in the side, instead of falling on his idealistic sword and bowing out in some Quixotic nod to term limits.

  5. markm:

    Also Ron Paul. But 2 out of 435 won't have much effect.