Asking for Conservation

Have you ever heard of government authorities making public statements around Valentine's Day to please conserve on roses since we are entering our peak demand season for them and rolling shortages could ensue?  No?  Never?  Well, the demand spike for roses on Valentines is much more dramatic than the demand spike for power on a hot summer day.  So why no urgent government messages for conservation of the former but constant ones for the latter?

Because the rose market is not heavily regulated.  Producers are free to manage their capacity without government interference, and, perhaps more importantly, producers are free to charge peak pricing in high demand periods.  In fact, prices for roses on Valentines go for a multiple of everyday pricing that a similar differential in a peak supply period at, say, a gas station would likely get the proprietor arrested for price gouging.  But we recognize that its tough to manage a business to supply all its capacity in one day of the year, and accept the higher pricing.  Why is it we can't accept the same facts of life in electrical generation, where capacity is orders of magnitude more expensive to manage than rose growing?

More from Llewellyn Rockwell at the Mises Blog and Lynn Kiesling at the Knowledge Problem


  1. Todd K. Moyer:

    okay, being libertarian in leaning, I'm with you. However, the first response you're likely to get if you start spewing this sort of argument to friends and relatives is that roses are not a 'necessity', while gasoline is. It's 'not fair' to have to pay very high prices for a 'necessity'. Therefore, it's justified to regulate the gasoline market, more than the rose market. My response, I feel, is kind of weak: we're better off without regulation, even if you don't necessarily like the result. The fully regulated (price controls) alternative is considerably worse.

    But how would you argue the point about roses not being a necessity? Just curious if you've found a good response.

  2. Jamie:

    A Tenant’s Guide to Renting

    The first challenge every tenant faces is finding an apartment for rent that suits their individual needs. For today’s tenant, the most effective apartment search can be done using an online apartment finder. Tenants should decide what they require in an apartment or house rental before beginning their search. For example: the number of bedrooms, location or distance from public transportation and how much the tenant can afford to pay in rent, furnished or unfurnished apartment, etc. By making these important decisions first, tenants can avoid renting an apartment or house only to regret it later. Many tenants today are taking advantage of the convenience of the internet to locate apartments for rent as opposed to the traditional print publications.

    Once a possible apartment or home has been found, it is the tenant's duty to thoroughly inspect the premises making a commitment in the form of a security deposit. A tenant should not rely on the landlord or the landlord's agent to tell the tenant if anything is wrong with the property. The tenant must inspect the property carefully and ask questions about it.
    Inspecting the condition and functionality of the following areas/features of the apartment before committing yourself as a tenant is highly recommended.
    1. Kitchen appliances in working order.
    2. Water pressure strong, plumbing without leaks.
    3. Electrical outlets and wiring working.
    4. Walls and ceiling painted or papered without cracks
    5. Ventilation or air conditioning accessible.
    6. Floors, railings and bathrooms in good repair.
    7. Fire escape easy to use.
    8. Stairs safe and well-lighted.
    9. No rodents or insects.
    10. Heating system in working order.
    11. If furnished, check and write down condition of all furniture.
    12. Windows and doors operable and weather-tight; screens provided.
    The tenant should also check the security of the building to find out if there is a dead-bolt lock, security chain, or through-the-door viewer.
    BEWARE OF EXISTING DAMAGES: In order to avoid being blamed for damages that already exist in the rental unit, the cautious tenant should take every step for self-protection. Before moving in (or as soon as possible thereafter), the tenant should make a list of all existing damages and repairs that need to be made. A copy of the list should he presented to the landlord and attached to the lease This way the landlord cannot blame the tenant for damages caused by others and the tenant will know what the landlord intends to repair. If the tenant keeps good records the landlord will not be able to keep the tenant’s security deposit for damages that were actually caused by others. Taking pictures before moving in is also strongly recommended.

    ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Paul Rossano, associated with who “Conveniently Connects All People with All Spaces in All Places” has been dedicated to the Real Estate rental market for over 8 years. He has assisted over 25,000 tenants with their renting needs. Any questions about renting apartments, houses or other rentals, feel free to visit or email him at