Exhibit #1 for the FEC v. Club for Growth
The FEC is suing the Club for Growth for campaign finance violations, basically arguing that they are controlled by the Republican Party and therefore not an independent political group (or whatever, I can't really be bothered to understand just what argument the FEC is using to trash the First Ammendment).
So I have Exhibit #1 for the trial. Yesterday I published a blog piece blasting the Republican Party, concluding:
The Republicans are lost. Combine this kind of spending with their
Patriot Act and Sarbabes-Oxley driven Big-Borther-Is-Watching
intrusiveness, luke-warm committment to free-trade, and bizarre , and I find nothing at all attractive about the party. Only the economic insanity of the opposition party continues to keep Republicans in power.
If the Club for Growth is a subsidiary of the Republican Party, then why are they linking my post today from their home page?
FYI re: pornography and obscenity...
I tried to get some m&ms custom printed (see mms.com) for an AIDS service org. board meeting. I wanted "Stop HIV" printed on some.
M&Ms informed me they wouldn't print that because they want consumers to "refrain from using objectionable words and phrases. No obscenities... we don't want to leave a bad taste in anyone's mouth."
They didn't have to print anything to leave a bad taste in my mouth...
Thursday's Daily News
Exhibit #1 for the FEC v. CFG - Coyote Blog A Germ of Fiscal Sanity - Robert Novak, Pittsburgh TR GOP Loses a Powerful Enforcer - LA Times A Proposal to Cut Spending - Marsha Blackburn, RedState.org Fighting for the...