Viva Immigration
Sticking with the Cinco de Mayo theme, immigration has been a big issue of late down here in the Southwest. Last election cycle Arizona passed a law limiting benefits to illegal immigrants. This last few months have seen the "minuteman project", ostensibly to have private citizens help "defend the borders" and which got surprising support from America's most famous immigrant Arnold Schwarzenegger.
I have a number of friends who passionately support these efforts. I am forced to say that not only do I disagree with them, I am actually embarrassed by the Minuteman project. Michelle Malkin makes the argument that these are good people and not crazed racist KKK crazies. OK, I am willing to accept this (for most of them) but this just makes it worse, wasting the patriotism and labor and time of people to such a wrong-headed end. (Matt Welch is less willing to believe they are just happy misguided soles).
At the end of the day, the vast, vast majority of people crossing the border are looking for a job. That's it. They are not terrorists or foreign spies or criminals -- they are ordinary people looking for a job, often to support their family. This is why I find it an incredible waste that we have Arizona's private citizens, many of whom probably lament the slacker mentality of recent American generations of kids, standing around along the border making sure that people who are looking for a job in this country don't find one.
Of course, these Minuteman folks won't say that is what they are doing. They are saying that they are:
- Defending the borders. A Government's job is NOT (repeat NOT) "defending its border". A government's job is to defend its citizens.
In 1939, if a country was next door to Nazi Germany, defending its
citizens probably meant defending the borders. Today, though, next to
Canada and the Mexico with whom we have been at peace for 150 years and
with whom we share a common market, its harder to argue that defending
our citizens requires having a Maginot Line at the border.
I am sure that our southern border is vulnerable to terrorists crossing, but I am equally sure that the minutemen did not find a single one. Here is the real problem: Because we force Mexican immigration to cross illegally across the open borders, terrorists trying to use the same approach are masked by thousands of others crossing the border. By making free passage of Mexicans across the border illegal, we shift them out of monitored border crossings and onto the frontier, where they mask true criminals and terrorists. Think of it this way - would you rather try to find a single terrorist who is alone in an empty stadium or one of 60,000 people at a football game?
- Enforcing the rule of law. Maybe, but why not start with sitting beside the highway and writing down license plates of speeders too? At the end of the day, enforcing current immigration law is as hopeless as was prohibition, the war on drugs, and enforcing the 55 mile-an-hour speed limit.
- Protecting American jobs. I would not be at all surprised to find a high degree of overlap between the Minuteman supporters and the anti-NAFTA crowd. The fear that "immigrants might be willing to do your job for less than you are willing to do your job for" has always been a strong part of anti-immigration movements. The fact of the matter, though, is that this takes a very static view of the world. The economy is not a zero sum game with competition for a fixed number of jobs. New sources of labor can spur economic growth that creates new jobs. The best example of this was in the last three decades, where a totally new, sometimes unskilled, work force of 40 million people showed up at industry's door suddenly looking for work: women. I told the story here (towards the bottom of the post), but the bottom line is that these new workers made the economy stronger, and now, with a generation or two behind them in the work force, women are really the backbone of entrepreneurship today in this country. Besides, if we don't allow companies to legally hire immigrant workers, businesses in this global economy will just pick up and move to Mexico.
- Reducing cost of government services. As a libertarian, I am very sympathetic to the argument that you don't want immigrants coming in and being able to immediately live off our safety net at taxpayers expense. In my mind, though, this has historically been a problem of poorly crafted law rather than immigration per se. It certainly would be possible to craft an intelligent immigration policy that allowed access to social services in steps. By the way, shifting illegals into legal guest worker programs would likely increase tax revenues by bringing these folks into the system.
- Preventing Hispanics from becoming the dominant ethnic group in the Southwest. Yes, I am positive this is a concern of many of these folks, just as the Italians in Boston at one time were worried about being overrun by the Irish. It barely dignifies a response, except to say that if you are really concerned with the number of permanent Hispanic residents, then a guest worker program might actually reduce the number. The reason is that many Mexicans still love their country but want work. If they were allowed to freely move back and forth, they would do so. But, since the border is the riskiest point for them, once they get in the US, they are reluctant to ever leave again.
We have got to have an intelligent immigration policy that
- Allows for free movement of guest workers across the border, with few limits on total numbers allowed.
- A clear and fair system for guest workers to move up over time towards full citizenship
- A clear and fair system of tiered access to social services as immigrants progress from worker to citizen (e.g. emergency services access to all, but welfare/social security require full citizenship).
- Includes a taxation system on guest worker labor that causes these workers to help pay for the services they use.
Kudos to Professor Bainbridge for breaking with the conservative ranks to support an intelligent guest worker program. More here from Steven Taylor.
Postscript: I want to propose a thought experiment. Most everyone considered the Berlin Wall a travesty. Now, keeping all the facts about East and West the same, make one change: suppose the wall was built instead by the West to stem the flood of immigrants from the oppressive east. Would the wall suddenly become OK? Even if the reality on the ground for an East Berliner (ie they can't escape) remained unchanged?
Border walls in Nogales, AZ and Berlin, Germany:
Oh, and from this site, here is the Montana-Canada border "wall" and a "checkpoint"
Your snide remark "but it is not about race" is both beneath you and a conversation killer.
You've made many excellent points that I have been making to others for some time now. Guest workers do not take jobs, they create jobs, as entrepreneurs, but also indirectly as consumers. I live in the south east. The population of illegal Hispanic immigrants has been growing steadily for years, as has the economy, and the two are quite related. If suddenly all the illegals were picked up and sent packing, economic development would come to a near halt for lack of laborers to do the work. You could kiss our current level of prosperity goodbye. I have also lived in Chicago for a few years recently, in a largely Hispanic neighborhood. The people I lived around are not here for handouts, they are here to work. Most have at least two jobs, many work all week and then sell various kinds of food and drink, or other items, on almost every corner on the weekend. I used to have Sunday breakfast of fresh hot tamales that would knock your socks off, and they were a mere 150 feet away from my front door, and cheap.
Another problem of guest workers' illegal status is that it creates an opportunity for unscrupulous businesses to exploit them. Lower than market wages, lack of benefits, unsafe or unsavory working conditions, all the very things that many anti-capitalists blame on the market, are actually fostered by our misguided immigration policy.
I really dig your web log. I've been reading it for about a month now. Keep up the great work!
The comment about "it's not about race" is unwarranted. Canada has fewer illegal immigration problems with the US because it has a standard of living comparable with the US, not because the people are white.
Besides, as a country that takes in more immigrants per capita than the US, characterizing it as a white place isn't even accurate: hasn't been for the last 30 years or so.
The first picture is not in Nogales, AZ, rather it is Nogales, Sonora. I visited Nogales a few months ago from the US side, the wall was bare (no graffiti or anything like that). It's kind of weird seeing it climb up that hill west and east of the city. One amusing moment was when I saw a manhole cover lift up, and three people climbed out of it. A few seconds later, the border patrol SUV came rushing down at (what felt like) 70 miles an hour and managed to actually catch two of them, but I think the third managed to get away. That was my cue to get out of the city.
The economies of Canada and Mexico are not comparable.
Millions of people have moved to Arizona in the past 30 years. The question I'd like to ask these Minutemen people is: what difference does it make and why should I care if these millions came from Michigan or Monterrey?
(Not that I've ever been to Arizona, but I live in Queens, so I know a thing or two about living among immigrants...)
I don't understand what the problem is here. The United States of America is a sovereign nation, our nation. Who else in this world will ever speak for us or defend us, or our children? No one, history has proved that. No other country has ever stepped up to the plate for us unless there was some measure of profit in it for them, not one and certainly not Mexico. So, I guess my question is; "Why are we catering to Mexico?”
We have borders that must be respected and protected. It is our right to live without worry of foreign invaders who are bringing distress to our economy and it's our duty to resist any and all efforts by anyone or any nation who is attempting to undermine our nation's sovereignty. It doesn't matter whether the invaders intend to cause harm or not. If the result of their actions is detrimental to our country, they must be stopped.
How many millions of U.S. dollars are we forced to spend every year to provide educational services and medical care for foreigners who have entered illegally and who remain illegally in our country, when we have millions of American families who cannot afford health insurance or an education for American children? It seems to me the wrong people are profiting at the expense of the American worker and at the expense of future generations of Americans.
If it were not for America many countries on this planet would cease to exist, millions would perish from disease, starvation, criminal conduct etc. We have always been a just and generous country but we are not being wise. Illegal immigration is breaking America's economy. Don't kid yourself. We are the only Americans on this planet. I've heard the Canadians, the Mexicans, the Central and South Americans claim to be Americans, based upon a geographical location in this hemisphere, but when the enemies of freedom and democracy scream jihad (or Mein Kampf) and demand the blood of Americans, the rest of the world has ALWAYS stepped back and pointed directly at the good old U.S. of A and said; "Not me . . . you!”
Yep, us, the only real Americans in this world. We The People who have always stood up to be counted when the rest of the world cowered. We have the best record of any country when providing money, materiel, personnel etc. to countries who have faced a crisis and asked for our help. Well, now we face an illegal immigration crisis and have asked for help from Mexico. Instead of helping us, Mexico is printing and distributing literature to assist illegal aliens in their efforts to violate our sovereignty.
This is why we must stand united against illegal immigration regardless of our race, creed or political affiliation. It's just us folks. We are on our own. Old Presidente' Fox surely won't do the right thing for America. He’s proved that. Nothing would please the old Fox more than for us to succumb to some destructive force, no matter how subtle.
There are American citizens who demand that we welcome these illegal aliens, that we educate them and provide medical care for them on the back of the American taxpayer. Why? If we dare to speak up and demand that our government secure our borders, we are called "racist" or we're accused of pushing the Anglo agenda and those Americans of Hispanic descent are labeled as "Coconut.” What exactly does that mean anyway? This is not an issue of race, let's not head down that road. Our country has been invaded by a foreign army, an army of people who do not have the best interest of America at heart.
I don't care if the invaders are of Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Asian, African, European descent or if they come from the University of Mars . . . if they do not enter legally and if they do not pledge absolute loyalty to the U.S. Constitution, then they're not welcomed. We should take every available step to prevent these illegals from entering our country and to deport those illegals who are already here. I've heard the figure ranges somewhere between 12 million and 25 million illegal aliens inside the U.S. right now. Give it some thought.
I'm no racist, I'm an American and I demand respect for the sovereignty of America. In the future, I will support any candidate for president, governor, senator, city councilman or county supervisor who will stand up to be counted above all others and promise us, the American people, to make every effort to stop illegal immigration and secure all American borders, including the Canadian border.
The illegal immigration problem is so far out of hand that if we don't take action soon, we will lose our country and if Mexico and her supporters have their way, they will turn this country into a real example of "liberty and justice for all.” Just take a look at the Mexican government, what a hoot! What American would want to raise his family under a government like that. Come on folks, open your eyes, look around and see what's happening to us. Aztlan is not a dream . . . it's a nightmare.
Conduct your own research. Look into M.E.Ch.A. (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan) and Aztlan. You won't have to dig too deep to find elected officials from Arizona and California who are supporters, if not secret members, of this organization which preaches the overthrow of our government through political subversion. Yes, you read it correctly, they want to over-throw the U.S. Constitution and install a Mexican government in a large portion of western America. And to think we've been worried about Al-Qaeda.
If you believe that M.E.Ch.A., the illegal immigration crisis and the Mexican government don't have a common interest in the current state of affairs, then you probably believe that the Ku Klux Klan is a beneficent organization and the moon is made of cheese. If you ask me whom I put first, my European roots or a fellow American of any race, color or creed . . . Americans will always come first.
Send a letter or an email, phone your representatives until your fingers bleed. Tell them what we want and if they won't comply, vote em' out of office and let's get representatives in office who will take care of American interests, not the interests of the people from a foreign land who are invading ours. I don't care what race, what religion or what political affiliation the politicians are, if they will pledge absolute allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America and conduct business accordingly, I'll vote for them. May God continue to bless and protect America.
Donnie Jobe
Yuma, AZ
i want a make a point before start.
I live in mexico, i'm proudly mexican, and i;m trying to be objective here.
It's really funny to see, most of the comments. "They want their land back" hahaha, sorry for the laught , but it's so funny.
most of connationals who risk their lives to go USA, do for mostly 1 reason. they are HUNGRY.
certaninly some of us can write a review trough a VAIO connected wireless to a broadband service, 90% of mexican poepole Don't even have a penny in their pockets, to get some bread for dinner, i also recognize thats not american people problem, but get real. u have a great country with a lot of opportunities, thats why this inmigration phenomenom it' about.
and just to finished, real americans are the native indians over there, navajos, yaquis , papagos, not the european descendants, even if their roots are from 1600, like someone said.
so think about it, some of you are like a kid, who arrives to a party, and want the cake all for himself, and don't want a share even a little slice, for the rest of the kids. :), Trow away your unsensitive soul, and your shorts points of view, and let the world spin around, and do something really important for your country, like dont use drugs, be a tutor of a bunch of kids, raise a garden, etc.
regards From Mexico, Gerardo
Gerardo, we don't mind helping anyone or any nation. We Americans have a serious problem with illegal entry and subversive political ambitions by those who are violating our sovereignty. We will have security on our borders, both north and south. Those immigrants who entered illegally and remain illegally will be deported, it is going to happen. My government will then redesign our immigration policies to assist those who wish to lawfully immigrate to America and we will assist those who only want to work here, but we (Americans) must secure our nation for Americans first. All others will come second. If we don't defend our sovereignty, uncontrolled illegal immigration will destroy our country for everyone, Americans as well as Mexicans. It's not a matter of selfish greed. It's all about the preservation of the United States of America.
Donnie Jobe
Yuma, AZ
Rational Immigration Reform
I believe that if we think about our current situation in a practical way, we will conclude that we as a nation are not going to deport 15,000,000 undocumented immigrants who are mostly working gathering our produce, building our houses and buildings, cleaning up after major hurricanes, butchering our livestock, etc.So the practical Immigration Reform addresses secureing our borders, and as importantly how to keep those productive, law abiding, undocumented immigrants, giving them some reasonable path to permanancy in the U.S., and sending the deadbeats other bad characters out. This would be achievable if only we could discard our predudises.
Chuck Hird Marshall, Mo.
Dispatches from a "small business", eh? Dependent on illegal alien labor, one would reckon from your views. Of course, whether you are actually as ignorant as your statements make you seem to be, or if you are just being disingenuous, doesn't matter in the end. It's personal greed and "getting it now" over the good of the country as a whole, right? Just keep tossing the illegals billions of dollars in benefits, it's only taxpayer money, right? Don't worry about the rising tide of crime due to the presence of illegals. After all, they can just run back to Mexico after committing murder, and that way we aren't paying for their stay in jail, right? The folks who write about the "law abiding" illegals must live in areas where there are few, if any. Visit Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Diego, and so on, and tell the residents about "law abiding" border hoppers. Illegal alien means ILLEGAL! As to the breaking of other laws besides immigration, visit the cities I've mentioned, and hang around the neighborhoods filled with illegals. Do it in the evening for some excitement. If you're still alive the next morning, you will at least have a better grasp of reality.
The old race card has failed Jessie Jackson and it will fail your and your kind as well. If you want to cry ethnic discrimination, that might work, but Latinos and Whites are the same race.
First of all, what part of illegal do you not understand. Why should people who violate the laws of the US be treated with special care because they are Hispanic? How does Mexico treat non-Mexican citizens? Are they afforded a free ride on medical needs and judicial due process? I think not!
I do believe that the US government should make provisions for the immigrants to enter the US legally and do it ASAP. I also believe that the majority of the people coming to the US illegally and legally are fleeing a culture of corruption that is the real source of this problem.
So rather than blaming “Whitey” and Americans for the problems of the world, why don’t you start by changing the culture of corruption that permeates so many third world countries and prevents their citizens from obtaining freedom and financial security in their own homeland? Many of the men (the majority are men) that come her leave behind a family. What about the generations of fatherless Latino children that are growing up? Is that “Whitey’s” fault too?
If you go running around shouting “It’s racism”, nobody is going to listen to you anyhow.
As an American who has been trying for some two years to aquire the the
ability to live abroad and NOT getting my permits the recent going ons
with Immigration here have sparked my intrest. below you will find an
article from an ex-pat site about Americans Living in Latin America who
are being told that they are not wanted and that they should go home. I
hope you will keep in mind in the comming months. If other counties
specifically Mexico are not going to embrace Americans that are there why
should Mexicans be welcomed here?
Americans Marching on Mexico City.
(The Americas Press Agency, March 29, 2006)
Thousands of Americans residents in Mexico marched on Mexico City; and
hundreds more marched on other Latin American capitals to protest what
they perceive to be the unfair treatment they have been receiving in those
“We cannot work here”, complained John Smith, a resident of Tijuana. “They
tell me: “Mexico is supposed to be for Mexicans.” “I have applied for many
jobs here, at restaurants, and also at factories. I have run out of my
savings and explained to them that I had a family to feed. They were
laughing at me and showed me the door. They said that non-citizens were
not eligible to work here. “You are not a Mexican”, they said. The owner
of the factory got angry at me and screamed on top of his voice- “Yankee,
go home”!
Jane Johnson, a long time resident in San Juan, Costa Rica, has lost her
job with the American company where she had been working for the past four
years. She had been trying to find work with the local company, but was
told that “All the opportunities in our country are for Ticos (Costa
Ricans)”, and that “Americans are not eligible to work here”, “We do not
hire foreigners!” “What will I do?” complained Jane, “I have no money and
I must go back to my country. These people are racist. They won’t give me
a job. Not even one of them”.
Steven Jefferson, a resident in Guatemala City has complained that when he
went to the local hospital he was not able to get free treatment there.
“They said that I actually had to pay for the medical exam. That is
preposterous! I deserve free medical treatment! And how come nobody speaks
English here and there are no signs and brochures in English? English is
the language of the world! How come these people do not speak it?”
Many Americans were carrying star-spangles banners and singing “Oh, say
can you see…”
Police with dogs and water cannon, aided by the local immigration
officials with batons and night sticks started dispersing the
demonstrators. There were army trucks nearby and riot troops were called
in. The protests attracted crowds of angry local onlookers many of whom
were chanting “Gringos! Go back to your country!” Some members of the
crowd grabbed the American flags that the protesters were carrying and
started stomping on them. Many hit the Americans while shouting “You
accursed Yankees, get out of our country!” at them.
Robert Ferguson, an American resident in another Latin American city had
this to say: “When I came here with money and stayed at five-star hotels,
they were treating me so nicely, and everybody was so friendly to me and
respectful and all that. I had dates with beautiful ladies. I was like a
king here. When I ran out of money, the people turned into devils. The
smiles just disappeared. They are treating me like a dog now. Nobody will
give me a job. I have been to hundreds of places. Here, if your last name
is not Gomez, Lopez, or Rodriguez, you cannot work anywhere. Nobody will
even consider you. They do not want a poor American, a poor foreigner to
be a burden on their economy. They are so nationalistic and racist! What
can I do? I am starving. Please, American Embassy, take me home! Somebody,
please help! You can send me money by Western Union”.
Jose Rodriguez, a Mexican citizen, has commented- “They come to our
country and they want jobs? But this is our country. They have no right to
be here. They are only guests here. Yankees, go back home! We don’t want
you here! Come with money or get out! We do not need a poor Gringo
competing with the locals! “Mexico is para los Mexicanos!” Viva Mexico!”
Col. Jorge Perez of the local anti-riot forces had this to say: “We’re
going to get every one of these darn Gringo foreigners, and deport them
within days”. The ones that survive our jails and torture chambers, that
is. We do not like to release cripples; it makes our country look bad. We,
Mexicans, are nice people if you are rich, but don’t you dare come here
and look for work! We don’t like indigents. And also, if you overstay your
visa and are in the country illegally we have special treatment for you.
It will make the Spanish Inquisition look like kids camp”.
Many arrests were made and reports of beatings, vicious canine attacks,
torture in police dungeons and deportations have reached the US embassy.
The American Ambassador had this comment: ‘They are racists! They do not
want to give our citizens jobs. We are friends and good neighbors. Why are
they doing it? We, Gringos, are so nice to them. We give them all these
factory jobs and then amnesty. I will lodge a protest with the United
Nations tomorrow!”
Several Americans, severely beaten and chased by angry Latin American
citizens and policemen were banging on the US Embassy’s doors screaming
“Help! They are going to kills us! Help!”
James Brown, a US worker who had the audacity to look for a job in Mexico,
barely escaped an attack by two German shepherds unleashed on him by the
Mexican police and was now recuperating inside the Embassy compound. “I am
an American”, he complained. “Mexico is in the Americas just like our
country. They are a nation of immigrants, too. The Indians are originally
from Siberia and then, the Spanish are from Europe. There are so many
people here whose origins are from other countries; people whose ancestors
are Portuguese and French. And Vicente Fox has an English name. I have an
uncle whose last name is Fox. We do not want much here. We just want to
work and build this country and send some money from here to the US. The
ladies are so beautiful, and if you have a little bit of money, the people
are so friendly. So, I just want to work and live here. What’s wrong with
that? But they beat me so bad and they have tortured me. They said that if
I did not pay a bribe, they would not release me. I had ten dollars and I
gave it to them. They let me out, but had set two vicious mutts on me and
they were chasing me all the way to the Embassy. It is all about fairness.
Mexicans come to our country to work. So, we want to go to their country
to work. We want to live in Mexico, make money, have kids and also, get
some medical care. Is that too much to ask for?”
Some people have also reportedly demonstrated in several American cities
in front of the consulates of Mexico, Guatemala, and Costa Rica chanting:
“Racists! Racists! Human rights for Gringos! Human rights for Americans!”,
but there has been little press coverage of the event.
Reported by Jose Smith in Mexico City
and John Rodriguez in San Jose, Costa Rica
I completely agree with your proposed US Immigration policy "We have got to have an intelligent immigration policy that:
1. Allows for free movement of guest workers across the border, with few limits on total numbers allowed.
2. A clear and fair US Immigration system for guest workers to move up over time towards full citizenship
3. A clear and fair US Immigration system of tiered access to social services as immigrants progress from worker to citizen (e.g. emergency services access to all, but welfare/social security require full citizenship).
4. Includes a US Immigration taxation system on guest worker labor that causes these workers to help pay for the services they use.
I completely agree that immigration is great for this country. However, let's not stop the discussion with the Mexican border. There are literally tens, if not hundreds of thousands of highly skilled and educated people from countries such as India and China who would love to make a life in this country. Instead, they are subjected to visa quotas, 6 month and longer waits at our consulates, and all sorts of other ridiculous restrictions. Those that do make it here, are then subject to a barrage of restrictions and regulations that then force them to leave the country after a few years. Let's start from a blank page and rewrite all of our immigration laws.
The United States is a country of immigrants. The United States can remain a strong country if the citizens rally around the red white and blue of our flag. While I have no problem with immigration from Mexico or any other country, I have a serious problem with protestors waving the Mexican flag in the face of the country they expect to work in and gain financial benefit from. Immigrants need to integrate with the norms of our society in America. If you don't want to learn the language and support the country, then you should not be allowed any of the benefits provided for by the great citizens of this country. Why should my kids have to learn Spanish? Why should my tax dollars go to fund English as a second language in our elementary schools and provide education for illegal immigrants? How does our society benefit from that? If I go to Mexico and look for a job, would I be told there are no jobs available for Yankees? Would I expect everyone to talk in English to me? NO, I would try to learn the language and customs of their country not shove my American flag in their face and espouse the virtues of the US. I think the focus of the last couple weeks concerning immigration has been misguided. As a rich nation we should reach out and provide assistance where needed and embrace immigrants from wherever they come from, however, these new immigrants must make an effort to embrace our way of life, our values, our language, otherwise we will continue to lose our sense of nationalism and become a nation of many distinct pockets of individualism, and eventually a nation of no identity. Bottom Line: Let all who seek a better life in America come, but force them to abide by our laws, our way of life, and our language.
6-10000000 YOU ARE ILLEGAL
This is a fantastic idea. If you ever need anything (support, votes, I don't care what!) email me!
i have lived in this country for 34 years,all of those years legally ,the last 24 years as a U.S. citizen, for many of those years i felt rejected by some (and few,i must admit)americans,if i was in my neighborhood,i felt the rejection coming from some and few of my hispanic american neighbors,i asumed that was because i was a new comer,it felt really bad,never mind that i was a LEGAL new comer..when i found myself outside my nighborhood, a few white americans showed me what being hated felt like, a feeling that i had never felt before in my life,never mind that i was LEGAL,i guess i have to call rejection by the name of hate,because when it comes from another race to you ,the same rejection that you received from your own people,just feels more painful,i dont know why.
But even as an american citizen,i kept feeling as an outsider,like i didn't belong ,i guess it's natural for a decent person , where ever he/she comes from,to want to feel accepted as an equal by others around him/her,it hasn't happened for me yet,even though i now have real good friends who are black,white,oriental,hispanic, all of them fine people,i still felt that i needed "validation" from those that i felt that hated me, to feel that i was part of this great country,to feel that i too, was an american citizen.
Then something horrible happened,the towers in New York got hit...I,like all americans, was shocked,hurt,sad,and extremely angry ,all at the same time,i wanted payback,but why was i feeling this way?i asked myself,i wasn't supposed to feel this way about all that had happened,not as deep as i felt it any way, since i was always kept from feeling that i was an american.
It was then when i realized that patriotism is like religion,in religion is between you and God ,as in patriotism ,is between my heart and my country,yes, i finally felt it,i was an american citizen ,THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is my country,STARS AND STRIPES is my flag,and i no longer felt like i needed the approval or the acceptance of those who love to reject or hate .
We, as americans might not be perfect,but i think that the way to keep america great, would be to settle all our differences of oppinion by using our right to VOTE ,instead of promoting hate between us all.
God Bless America
i have lived in this country for 34 years,all of those years legally ,the last 24 years as a U.S. citizen, for many of those years i felt rejected by some (and few,i must admit)americans,if i was in my neighborhood,i felt the rejection coming from some and few of my hispanic american neighbors,i asumed that was because i was a new comer,it felt really bad,never mind that i was a LEGAL new comer..when i found myself outside my nighborhood, a few white americans showed me what being hated felt like, a feeling that i had never felt before in my life,never mind that i was LEGAL,i guess i have to call rejection by the name of hate,because when it comes from another race to you ,the same rejection that you received from your own people,just feels more painful,i dont know why.
But even as an american citizen,i kept feeling as an outsider,like i didn't belong ,i guess it's natural for a decent person , where ever he/she comes from,to want to feel accepted as an equal by others around him/her,it hasn't happened for me yet,even though i now have real good friends who are black,white,oriental,hispanic, all of them fine people,i still felt that i needed "validation" from those that i felt that hated me, to feel that i was part of this great country,to feel that i too, was an american citizen.
Then something horrible happened,the towers in New York got hit...I,like all americans, was shocked,hurt,sad,and extremely angry ,all at the same time,i wanted payback,but why was i feeling this way?i asked myself,i wasn't supposed to feel this way about all that had happened,not as deep as i felt it any way, since i was always kept from feeling that i was an american.
It was then when i realized that patriotism is like religion,in religion is between you and God ,as in patriotism ,is between my heart and my country,yes, i finally felt it,i was an american citizen ,THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is my country,STARS AND STRIPES is my flag,and i no longer felt like i needed the approval or the acceptance of those who love to reject or hate .
We, as americans might not be perfect,but i think that the way to keep america great, would be to settle all our differences of oppinion by using our right to VOTE ,instead of promoting hate between us all.
God Bless America
A Simple History of Immigration
For the first 20,000 to 50,000 years of our American history, immigration was without any
particular rules. Anyone could come to this continent, and the Native Americans that were
here welcomed them. This sharing of the land resulted in the Native Americans being pushed ever westward, and when the white Americans decided they needed to control the population,they sent the Natives to reservations. Some Natives were invited by the government of Mexico, to come there and live a free life, not bound to the U.S. reservations.
Many tribes took Mexico up on the offer, settling in border areas, the Kickapoo, the Pottawatomies, from Illinois being among them. They still live in native style in the Sonora
Desert. But all the native population in Mexico are Native Americans. What irony that now
the "good" people of the United States decide that these people, who predate all European
settlers, don't belong here. They are "illegals". Even though their ancestors are the ones who
first welcomed the Europeans in the first place. This is simply incredible! What kind of shallow bigoted thinking spawns this type of logic?
At first our government acknowledged that we were a country of immigrants, but the progression
of our laws has been to ever curtail this foundation of our American culture.
The Naturalization Act of 1790 Stipulated that "any alien, being a free white person, may be admitted to become a citizen of the United States". This excluded the slaves from Africa.
1875 Supreme Court declared that regulation of US immigration is the responsibility of the Federal Government. This excluded certain workers to give an advantage to the workers already
here in the U.S..
1882 The Chinese Exclusion Act prohibited certain laborers from immigrating to the United States.
1885 and 1887 Alien Contract Labor laws which prohibited certain laborers from immigrating to the United States. More of the same.
1891 The Federal Government assumed the task of inspecting, admitting, rejecting, and processing all immigrants seeking admission to the U.S.
1892 On January 2, a new Federal US immigration station opened on Ellis Island in New York Harbor.
1903 This Act restated the 1891 provisions concerning land borders and called for rules covering entry as well as inspection of aliens crossing the Mexican border.
1907 The US immigration Act of 1907 reorganized the states bordering Mexico (Arizona, New Mexico and a large part of Texas) into Mexican Border District to stem the flow of immigrants into the U.S. More of the same.
1917 - 1924 A series of laws were enacted to further limit the number of new immigrants. These laws established the quota system and imposed passport requirements. They expanded the categories of excludable aliens and banned all Asians except Japanese.
1924 Act Reduced the number of US immigration visas and allocated them on the basis of national origin.
1940 The Alien Registration Act required all aliens (non-U.S. citizens) within the United States to register with the Government and receive an Alien Registration Receipt Card (the predecessor of the "green card").
1950 Passage of the Internal Security Act which rendered the Alien Registration Receipt Card even more valuable. Immigrants with legal status had their cards replaced with what generally became known as the "green card" (Form I-151).
1952 Act Established the modern day US immigration system. It created a quota system which imposes limits on a per-country basis. It also established the preference system that gave priority to family members and people with special skills.
1968 Act Eliminated US immigration discrimination based on race, place of birth, sex and residence. It also officially abolished restrictions on Oriental US immigration.
1976 Act Eliminated preferential treatment for residents of the Western Hemisphere.
1980 Act Established a general policy governing the admission of refugees.
1986 Act Focused on curtailing illegal US immigration. It legalized hundred of thousands of illegal immigrants. It also introduced the employer sanctions program which fines employers for hiring illegal workers. It also passed tough laws to prevent bogus marriage fraud.
1990 Act Established an annual limit for certain categories of immigrants. It was aimed at helping U.S. businesses attract skilled foreign workers; thus, it expanded the business class categories to favor persons who can make educational, professional or financial contributions. It created the Immigrant Investor Program.
USA Patriot Act 2001 : Uniting and Strengthening America by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism
Creation of the USCIS 2003 : As of March 1, 2003, the US immigration and Naturalization Service becomes part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The department’s new U.S. Citizenship and US immigration Services (USCIS) function is to handle US immigration services and benefits, including citizenship, applications for permanent residence, non-immigrant applications, asylum, and refugee services. US immigration enforcement functions are now under the Department's Border and Transportation Security Directorate, known as the Bureau of US immigration and Customs Enforcement (BICE)
What a tangled web of deceit and hypocrisy our immigration laws are, and now we look at the Native Americans as "illegals". uh huhhhhhh, right! lol... johnsnakecusak
You may like to know about a film in the works that addresses issues of illegal immigration ...
Your thoughts about a film like this?
Lost in all of this discussion is the overarching problems encountered by those wanting to immigrate legally. The system is broken folks.
I was headhunted for a job in the US (from Canada) that was very appealing. After 4 years on various temporary visas, and about $10,000 later I had a Green Card. Unfortunately, my wife, who was never allowed to work in the US (despite being highly educated and a native english speaker) left me partially because of the immigration woes.
Now I am with another wonderful lady, educated, law abiding, yet Canadian. I am planning to marry this woman, yet am told it will take about 4 years for her to be allowed to live in the USA (legally).
It burns my ass when I see the protesters looking for their "rights", when family unification is so low on the priority list of the INS. Sometimes I think heck, bring the future wife over...what's one more illegal in the country anyways.
There is a fundamental legal question at the core of the illegal alien issue. Do the laws in the United States apply to all whether the person be citizen, resident, or illegal alien or do we have classes of people who are exempt from following the laws in this country?
Those who support illegal aliens are essentially claiming that illegal aliens are a class exempt from following the law. They are saying that by their very illegal status they are exempt from the law and are not required to follow it or respect it. Yet they are also arguing that the laws should protect them and provide them amnesty, legal residency, and citizenship.
It sounds hypocritical to claim on the one hand that the law doesn't apply when it's an inconvenience yet on the other hand when it's to their benefit it should be changed and adapted to suit them.
The US has a tradition where the rule of law is to be respected. The tradition also is that no one is above the law. Yet, illegal aliens don't respect or even understand that concept. They demonstrate that by being here illegally and have been demonstrating that disrespect with their protests.
In Spanish the word for such people is ventajosos hipocritas (hypocritical opportunists).
April 11, 2006
So far the comments/views are either for or against
Illegal Immigrants.
Personally, I am undeceided. Lets be realistic. Getting the millions of illegals out of the USA is easier said than done. So then, what are the options?
I have a few to list.
First, let me say that this goes for ALL Immigrants that want to be citizens.
1) Pass an amendment stating that English Will Be the 'Official' language of the United States of America"
2) All government posters or bulletins will Be in English 'First' followed by
ANY other language(Chinese, Polish, Spanish). Stop the U.S.Post Office from printing bulletins in Spanish first followed by English using tax dollars.
3) The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were 'both' written in English.
4) English is the 'Primary' language of this country.
5) 15% of any other ethnic group should not be able to 'dictate' to the other 85% on how this American country should be governed.
6) Because this is a 'Free Country', anyone that does not like it is 'free' to leave.
7) Secure the borders NOW !!
8) No drivers licenses for anyone that is illegal.
I have not heard most of these ideas said or written.
If you ALSO believe that there is 'truth' in these words, pass them on to your governmental representatives
BEFORE they go back to D.C.
This is "THE MOST" important issue facing the U.S.of A. today.
IT has the potential to drive a deep wedge into this country.
Don't wait for July 04, 2006
to put out the American flag.
At the 1st major Immigration rally, the flags flown were from countries 'other' than the USA. I wonder why? Their loyality is to which country?
Build a wall...if the criminals still cross, arrest them...first offense 6 months in a dentention camp...send Mexico the bill...second offense 1 yr...send Mexico the bill...third offense...five years...send Mexico the bill...fourth in solitary confinement...send Mexico the bill...if the Mexican govt. doesn't pay...deduct the amounts from the billions of dollars we send their corrupt politians. Maybe the organizers of the protests for rights for these criminals should take them to Mexico City to protest for their rights in their country not mine...
As a non-tax paying entity I really don't think the church should have a say with the immigration issue. The reality is this the catholic church
along with the abortion laws they
advocate and the the illegal immigration tsunami from mexico are good for their production numbers. If you "believe" it's anything else it's because your not thinking!!!
it benefits the church to replace a aging population that has seen their pedophile cult for what it is, if these were not catholics and of another faith you would witness very little support from them. basically
your jobs have been outsourced,your language,and culture are passe here.
The new joe lunchbucket that has a
job is replacing the rest.The unions that "protected you don't even know your name and are eager to organize the these new americans.I could go on but i like to compliment you on rolling over and taking it so good.
While you were promoting democracy
over there and everywhere the best you will be able to do is ..not vote to show your anger(your looking more sunni everyday baby).
PS...If it's not about race then tell me how many latina girls are just dying to date you..???
You know what; this really is the land of the free. Free of law and common sense.
I was Born in Texas and would now like to leave the country, but unfortunately I CAN'T BECAUSE ALL OTHER COUNTRIES WORTH GOING TO HAVE IMMAGRATION LAWS and UPHOLD THEM! So even if I qualify I still wait on a list for five years. So let’s give this country away to MEXICO, CANADA, and who ever else wants to penetrate us one way and the CORPORATIONS can drive the final nail in my government taxed coffin!
The issue of illegal immigration is real however can be simplied as a supply and demand issue. Our current channels which supply us with legal immigrants are inadequate hence the remaining demand being met through illegal channels. We need to reform our legal channels in order to bring more immigrants in properly. This will in turn discourage illegal immigration while speeding up the assimilation process.
Illegal Immigration is a Crime. And The United States needs to Enforce those laws. Illegal immigration causes an enormous drain on public funds. Illegal immigration also contributes to the dramatic population growth overwhelming communities across America--crowding school classrooms, consuming already limited affordable housing, and straining precious natural resources like water, energy, and forestland.
We need to close our borders and put an end to illegal immigration once and for all.
Your proposal for immigration is on track, it's a step in the right direction and I like it. Though our politicians refuse to identify the need for taxing on what is "illegal money;" you seem to understand that it is not economically healthy to ignore taxation on guest/illegal workers. If the same taxes Americans pay are also collected from guest workers, the system will over time balance out. However, though many people try to defend these illegal immigrants, they are still illegal immigrants. If they do not have official documents of citizenship or a green card and they are in this country, they are illegal. NO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT SHOULD HAVE BENEFITS OF AMERICANS, only American citizens deserve American rights and benefits. This goes for any race or person(s)that are here illegally. Finally, there is a concern that the US is being overrun by the Spanish race. From what I have seen, this is not completely incorrect. These people should not completely conform to the American way, but should instead keep their culture and heritage. This however does not mean that the US should conform to them. I think that along with your plan on taxation, as far fetched or politically incorrect as my idea may come across as, immigrants should learn our language and follow our rules. As an American you cannot expect to live in another country without passing through checkpoints, and having your background examined. The subject we're on is illegal immigration so certainly you can not expect to recieve benefits that some people of the host country cannot aquire. On the other hand, you can most definately expect to be labelled as a criminal, and why not, what you are doing is illegal. So I ask, if other countries would not take this "illegal immigration" nonsense, why do we?
Illegal Immigration leads North American "community" to follow European Union
What's really unfortunate about the illegal immigration debate is that American citizens who advocate open borders and side with illegal aliens don't understand the geopolitical push for the elimination of all borders in order to maximize and grow profit margins for transnational corporations. Allowing illegal immigration to go on for decades as it has in the U.S., quietly allows regional integration to take place before anyone can discuss it let alone resist the dissolution of U.S. sovereignty.
There is plenty of documentation on and offline where Globalists are calling to regionalize groups of countries into integrated trade blocs or regions. In a report, "A Fair Globalization: Creating Opportunities for All", by the U.N's International Labor Organization (ILO), it's stated, "Countries are better able to manage the social and economic challenges of globalization by working together. That calls for better integration of social and economic policies in the process of regional integration, as has been the aim in the European Union (EU), the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the Southern Cone Common Market (Mercosur), among others." (p. 14)
If you think it's just the U.N., then have a look at the recommendations on the U.S. Embassy's website in Canada called "Building a North American Community". Here former government officials and corporate leaders call for a "common security perimeter" for the U.S., Canada and Mexico by 2010 (p. 8) where people (including workers) from all three countries would be able to move freely within the "perimeter" (pp. 10, 26 - 28). Think of the "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America" that President Bush entered into with Mexico and Canada as steps towards this goal. Other outrageous recommendations include retraining our public school teachers to instill a "North American identity" in our children. See page 30, where it says "Develop teacher exchange and training programs for elementary and secondary school teachers. This would assist in removing language barriers and give some students a greater sense of a North American identity. Greater efforts should also be made to recruit Mexican language teachers to teach Spanish in the United States and Canada." Yes, corporate America, multinationals, Big Brother, the New World Order, Global Regime or whatever you want to call them/it wants to reshape the national identities of our future generations to regional identities through our own public schools! This gives a whole new meaning to corporate welfare!
These widely endorsed recommendations are actually mild compared to proposals by Trilateral Commission participants that call for a North American police force ("modeled after Europol"), N.A. Parliament (to “raise the sensitivity of American Congressmen”), N.A. passports, N.A. Customs & Immigration agents, N.A. Development Fund, etc.
"A North American Community"
"A Mexican Vision for North America"
The ILO must be proud of our Senate for trying to link border enforcement to guest-worker-amnesty legislation because in "A Fair Globalization: Creating Opportunities for All", it states, "A fairer framework for the movement of people was essential, and in the European regional dialogue it was argued that “any policy of restriction should be linked to a policy of trade liberalization and development cooperation”." (p. 14)
Building a North American "community" amounts to policies focused on creating an integrated population to compete with populations the size of China and India each of which surpass one billion. Globalists already had their way developing China as the transnationalists' new manufacturing base without any attempt to negotiate for human rights in China, free Tibet or even secure the future rights of Taiwan to remain sovereign and free from China's non-democratic government. Mass overpopulation (through regionalization) in the U.S. would allow manufacturers and most other employers to dictate wages at third world levels where we would then see jobs that had been offshored begin to return to North America.
I have contacted both of my U.S. Senators in Florida, Bill Nelson and Mel Martinez, concerning illegal immigration. All I received in return was political rhetoric about how hard they are working on the problem with the rest of the Senate. It seems as though the Senate is the dam to getting anything else done. The House of Representatives is on the same page with the majority of the American public. It's the Senate that holds things up.
But then again, I look at the other US Senators of other States and can see why, idiots from both parties, McCain, Schummer, Clinton, and other nut cases that think they are so important in the U.S.
Maybe it's time for an independent run on just the immigration policies. He or She may be surprised at how many votes they would get on just that one issue!!!
The "path to legalization" concept contained in current immagration reform proposals is opposed by many on the basis of its "unfairness" to immagrants who have achieved a legal status within existing US laws. Moreover, I suspect, that opponents see in this concept a measure of favoratism particularly regarding mexican and other south of the border illegals since it is this group that would benefit most by the concept. Opponents of this concept do not make a distinction among foreign nationals as to their motivations and circumstances regarding attainment of legal status and thus oppose any process that would result in a legal status for any foreign national who has enterd the US illegally. The basic premise of this opposition ignores the potential that certain foreign nationals, such as mexicans, have entered the US under different circumstances than other groups. With respect to mexicans, it can be argued that they and other South American nationals have been explicitly encouraged to migrate to the US while other foreign nationals (i.e. Europeans, Africans, etc) have not. This encouragement provided by hundreds of thousands of US employers both corporate and private along with tacit government approval of utilizing this labor force, has created a "special circumstance" and a definite distinction among foreign national groups. While it is a "stretch" to compare the effect of encouraging migration of mexicans to the importation of slaves to the US, to propose that this group of illegals be deported is somewhat akin to proposing that all blacks be sent back to africa. Acceptance of the notion that a distinction does exist among illegals vis-vis encouragemnt, the concept of "path to legalization" must be a component of any immagration reform.
The American National Anthem
Oh Jose cant you see, we're tired of supporting thee.
When you snuck acrossed the border, it began an illegal plight.
Over broad stripes and bright stars, We'll continue to Fight.
Mexican Flags we did watch, that were so sadly streaming.
Our tempers did flare, with Mexican's everywhere.
Gave proof to the nite, we must send them back there.
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave.
For the land of the U. S. Citizen and the home of the American's.
written and produced by U.S. Citizens
Made In America
The American National Anthem
Oh Jose cant you see, we're tired of supporting thee.
When you snuck acrossed the border, it began an illegal plight.
Over broad stripes and bright stars, We'll continue to Fight.
Mexican Flags we did watch, that were so sadly streaming.
Our tempers did flare, with Mexican's everywhere.
Gave proof to the nite, we must send them back there.
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave.
For the land of the U. S. Citizen and the home of the American's.
written and produced by U.S. Citizens
Made In America
What is so funny is the hypocrisy of the argument. Besides Mexico mistreating the Americans on this BLOG, what about Mexico's southern border to Guatemala? How about the "fair" treatment of the "jornalero" down there on the border?
Screw all you illegal CRIMINALS here in America. My parents were naturalized in accordance with the laws of this country, but hey, you pick strawberries, so you should definitely move to the head of the line...hell, you shouldn't even have to stand in line because you're so special.
Face it...Mexico sucks, so you're going to come up here faster than the local economies can handle and screw this place up too, and claim discrimination. You all make me sick. Don't stay in Mexico and make that a better place to live...hell no, let's go screw up a whole different country too. Poverty loves company.
You're doing the jobs Americans don't want to...what a crock. Of course employers aren't going to pay you 20 bucks an hour when they can pay you're just stupid enough to do it. Instead of being legal, and then the employers would have to pay a decent wage, lets get you morons to come in and do the job. That's why you have to beat the crap out of the Guatemalans...they'll do the job in southern Mexico for a buck fifty.
Every Illegal here now should be sent back to their country and put at the BACK of the legal line for a workers program.
It won't happen because our government is corrupt but not as corrupt as Mexico's. Screw the politicians too for their spinlessness.
As for the American Anthem in Spanish, it makes me sick, and it just goes to show what you bastards are here for. You just want this country to be your "new" Mexico. Screw all you F*&"!ers.
Like I said, I'm a naturalized citizen, born in another country, but I became a citizen, and now I call this place home. I don't consider it a place to change, I consider it a place to live with other people from all over in a legal civilization that is trying to make a better living for my children.
What is so funny is the hypocrisy of the argument. Besides Mexico mistreating the Americans on this BLOG, what about Mexico's southern border to Guatemala? How about the "fair" treatment of the "jornalero" down there on the border?
Screw all you illegal CRIMINALS here in America. My parents were naturalized in accordance with the laws of this country, but hey, you pick strawberries, so you should definitely move to the head of the line...hell, you shouldn't even have to stand in line because you're so special.
Face it...Mexico sucks, so you're going to come up here faster than the local economies can handle and screw this place up too, and claim discrimination. You all make me sick. Don't stay in Mexico and make that a better place to live...hell no, let's go screw up a whole different country too. Poverty loves company.
You're doing the jobs Americans don't want to...what a crock. Of course employers aren't going to pay you 20 bucks an hour when they can pay you're just stupid enough to do it. Instead of being legal, and then the employers would have to pay a decent wage, lets get you morons to come in and do the job. That's why you have to beat the crap out of the Guatemalans...they'll do the job in southern Mexico for a buck fifty.
Every Illegal here now should be sent back to their country and put at the BACK of the legal line for a workers program.
It won't happen because our government is corrupt but not as corrupt as Mexico's. Screw the politicians too for their spinlessness.
As for the American Anthem in Spanish, it makes me sick, and it just goes to show what you bastards are here for. You just want this country to be your "new" Mexico. Screw all you F*&"!ers.
Like I said, I'm a naturalized citizen, born in another country, but I became a citizen, and now I call this place home. I don't consider it a place to change, I consider it a place to live with other people from all over in a legal civilization that is trying to make a better living for my children.
It is unfair to cross the border illegally and demand any rights. I had to come into the US by paying my dues. For every illegal there are 50 other Hispanics (other than Mexicans) that are willing to come into this country the legal way. Americans need not to be afraid of this so called boycott.
Get back in line you law breakers!
You state: "At the end of the day, the vast, vast majority of people crossing the border are looking for a job. That's it."
It is NOT OUR JOB to provide Mexican nationals with jobs. IF the good people of Mexico would fight the corruption there from the government all the way down to cops on the beat, they would have a better country and would not feel the need to leave. IF the good people of Mexico would stop pushing out kids every 10 months, when they can't afford to feed the children they already have, this would help as well.
As for the differences in the Canadian border and the Mexican border---we are not plagued with tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of Canadians crossing the border.
As for walls in general, the Berlin Wall was to keep people IN--NOT OUT.
You stated: "shifting illegals into legal guest worker programs would likely increase tax revenues by bringing these folks into the system."
NO! Some illegals are already paying some taxes, but they still pull several times more out of the system than they put in given AFDC, housing subsidies, food stamps, the cost of schooling the hordes of illegal alien's children and etc.
As a white male who makes $65,000 annually (after paying $30,000 for a graduate degree), I could NOT legally immigrate to Canada, as per current Canadian law, but I am supposed to take it in the shorts and with a smile! What a load of crap!!
What part of 'illegal' don't you understand?
I am totally disgusted by these undocumented workers demands and their efforts to shove their problems and language down our collective throats. The INS has dropped the ball on immigration in the last 25 years and now the rest of us have to suffer. America's slogan is "give us your poor, etc..." yeah - well it doesn't say "give us your illegals". Most of all American citizens have come here legally and through much plight and running from injustices and genocide in their native countries. Some had to wait interminable years in other countries just to step foot on American soil and now these illegals except us to lay down our laws and give them amnesty? It's disgusting and I'm appalled by the notion that we HAVE TO BECAUSE NO ONE WANTS TO DO THEIR JOBS. Well, I was unemployed a year ago and would have gladly taken a job cleaning out toilets or bussing tables but I wasn't offered those jobs. The problem is that American companies, especially down South and in the Southwest are employing these people. This must be stopped. The only way to do so is to severely fine or impose heavy taxes upon those companies who will employ immigrants who are undocumented. Medicaid has said that they are gearing up to stop giving OUR HEALTH CARE BENEFITS away to illgal aliens, which has been going on forever. These benefits we pay for through our hard earned work and we can't get them but these illegals pack up their momicitas and their popi's and take them to our clinics and get free service and they bring their entire fucking families with them! It so pisses me off.
My solution is simple. These people want to stay and work -- pay your back income taxes and if you can't do that - then you must be drafted into the Iraqi war and serve 4 years of a tour of duty. If you die there - you will be dying for your "new country" and your relatives will be able to stay in their new adopted country without reprisal. These people want everything for nothing.
Lastly, the right to protest is reserved for CITIZENS of AMERICA -- NOT ILLEGAL ALIENS. We have rules and laws that these people keep stomping on and we let them do it! Enough is enough -- No habla espanol or polish or serbian or russian - habla english solamente - assholes!
If this was happening in any other country, all illegal immigrants would be rounded up while marching in the streets in protest and carted back to where they belong -- out of the US.
Illegal immigration -- My first response is that each of us comes from an immigrant family that came to these shores to seek a better life. I have a European ancestry. My ancestors which include Germans integrated into the culture over the years. I don't speak German. I speak English. I am proud to be American. My point is: legal immigrants are welcome -- always welcome on our shores. Illegal immigrants coming to "get a job", and whose heart belongs back in their own mother-land do not deserve recognition, assistance, free education, free health-care, free welfare or free social security. For them its free -- because they do not contribute to the United States tax system the same way citizens do. For us its an added tax burden. I have seen the effect of Brazilians who come over on a two year working visa. The parents work as many jobs as possible. They put their kids in the public schools. These children do not speak english. The parents don't care about their education. They are too tired from working 2-3 jobs a day to help them with their homework. The drain on the school resources to help these kids learn english, learn their studies and prepare them for the state tests is immense. Its important that the schools earn as high a score as possible on the state tests. The non-english speaking children of parents that dont' care, take away resources from U.S. children and jeopardize school funding. Furthermore, I was alarmed to hear yesterday a audio clip on NPR from a Spanish politician in Mexico stating that the United States was their territory, that they lost in a war and they need to claim it again. So the bottom line is: illegal immigrants are at WAR WITH US. They want "THEIR LAND" back and to have it "THEIR WAY". They do NOT want to assimilate. They DO NOT want to be U.S. citizens. So the point is: send them home. When they decide that they want to live here legally -- fine -- come on back and begin the process of becoming a U.S. citizen like every other citizen of this country has done or is doing.
These guys are selling Mexicans!
They are selling Mexicans on the net!
Some well-considered thoughts and I appreciate reading them. I think this point is especially appropriate: "...if you are really concerned with the number of permanent Hispanic residents, then a guest worker program might actually reduce the number. The reason is that many Mexicans still love their country but want work."
I think it's important not to demonize immigrants, but I also think that we need to consider what is in the best interests of our country before we consider what is in the best interests of the immigrant. Shouldn't our immigration policy look to bring in the best and brightest immigrants and not just those who are most determined to cross the border?
Here are some more thoughts along these lines:
please take time to sing this
please take time to sing this
I am a hispanic woman born in the U.S. and I love this country. I do not see myself as Mexican- American but as an American. My grandfather worked hard and waited a long time to go through the proper chanels to bring his family into this country legally. I am grateful to my grandfather because I am able to reap from his labors and live in this great country. My parents made sure that all of their 11 children learned the English language and adopted the American way of life. My father served in the military and fought in the Korean war and my uncle was given the purple heart because he was wounded in the Vietnam War.
Having said that, I wanted to express my beliefs that immigrants who enter this country illegally should not be rewarded for breaking the law by offering them citizenship. It is an insult to Mexican and other immigrants before them who obeyed the laws of this land when they entered this country.
I also believe we should tighten up on our borders. I live in El Paso, TX. which is a border city to Juarez, Mexico. El Paso is one of the poorest cities in the Nation. El Paso is filled with illegal immigrants. Taxes on homes are sky high because our county hospital is flooded with illegals who come here to have babies in the U.S. or come here for free medical care. Our schools are overwhelmed with more students than they can hold. When we bought our home in the Soccorro district my son had to be transported to a school 5 miles away for 1 school year when we were just blocks away from the school he should have been attending because they didn't have any room for him. Recently our taxes went up yet again. It is so frustrating.
Wages here are very low due to the fact that cheap labor is easily found. El Paso has a reputation for losing UTEP graduates to other cities because of low wages.
I can't help but resent illegal immigrants who come here demanding rights in this country when they shouldn't be here in the first place. They don't pay taxes on their wages because they are paid under the table and can travel back to Mexico to their homes and again don't pay the high taxes we have to pay here for our homes.
I especially resent it when illegals come here and demand that I speak Spanish to them because I am American-Mexican when they should be making an effort to speak English because they are in the U.S. I speak Spanish whenever I cross the border I don't expect anyone to speak to me in English.
Bilingual in this city does not mean speaking both English and Spanish, it means speaking Spanish. I am frustrated with the state of this city. It angers me to see illegals boldly waving the Mexican flag chanting Mexico and demanding rights in this country on this side of the border. I am angered by the illegal immigrants demanding changes in our government and country when perhaps they should be protesting their own government and the state of their own country.
Anyways, I will get off my soap box. Perhaps it is time for me to get out of El Paso.