Kudos to my Congressman
Its never surprising to see Arizona Congressman Jeff Flake or Texas Congressman Ron Paul voting against pork, they are pretty consistent libertarians in their vote. However, I have only just begun to follow my own Phoenix-area Congressman John Shadegg. I was pleased to see that he stood up to considerable pressure and opposed the recent pork-filled Highway bill.
Of late, I have felt used by the Republican party, who put on small-government clothes to entice libertarians like me but who have generally abandoned all spending restraint now that they are in the majority.
I saw Rep. Flake on the C-Span morning call-in-show a couple of weeks ago. He was making good points about the ridicolus transportation bill. I was wondering what kind of future does he have. Do you think he could win McCain's senate seat when it eventually opens up. He's a very attractive candidate on more ways than one. What do they think of him in Arizona outside his district?
' I have felt used by the Republican party, who put on small-government clothes to entice libertarians like me but who have generally abandoned all spending restraint now that they are in the majority. '
They don't even bother putting on the clothes anymore.