Firefox Share at 19%, IE down to 65%
This is my browser mix here at Coyote BLog this week:
UPDATE: I just checked, and Firefox is at 25% today. IE under 60%. I seem to be
single-handedly bringing down Microsoft. Maybe thats how I will make
money with this site - Bill Gates will pay to shut it down [cue Dr.
Evil with pinky at corner of mouth saying "one Miiillliiiioonnnn
I get Firefox at 23% and IE at 65%... but what is really strange is Konqueror is 8%... I've never even heard of Konqueror until now (it's a file manager/web browser for linux- thank google).
Sorry IE was 61...
Wait...lemme get this straight...Netscape 3.x? Three? Was this a reboot from 1995?
Just curious - what is the source of your statistics? I just saw a report in the last few weeks that came out that said Firefox was growing but that IE still had a 90% share (while a linked report has it slightly under that). See
Are you using the stats for your Web site?
Yes, Lori, the statistics are labeled as the visitors to this particular blog. It's interesting that Coyote's visitors use IE less than the rest of the world. I can give about ten theories on why that could be (they are more technically adept, they don't like Microsoft, they like Open Source, etc.), but there isn't enough information available to know if any of my theories are right.
If Coyote made some kind of money from this blog, it would make sense for him to follow up with some kind of survey to determine what kind of mix his visitors are, and then target them.
How I wish that I made money on this blog. Unfortunately, this blog more closely resembles a mistress upon whom I shower money and time. I am not sure why I have so many Firefox users, though I have posted a number of times on my positive Firefox experiences and maybe that draws in search engine hits from Firefox users.
By the way, there was a comment about Netscape 3 users. In my job, I work a lot with people who work out of their home, or more usually, out of their RV, and I can tell you from experience that you would not believe how old some of the coputers and software are that people use. One of my managers sent me back a computer she was using and it was running windows 3.1
Though if you really want to talk old computers, I pulled by C64 out of storage and played with my kids last night. See recent post for more on this.
I just checked, and Firefox at 25% today. IE under 60%. I seem to be single-handedly bringing down Microsoft. Maybe thats how I will make money with this site - Bill Gates will pay to shut it down [cue Dr. Evil with pinky at corner of mouth saying "one Miiillliiiioonnnn dollars"].
Well, Coyote, I knew I had never, personally sent any money, and I don't see any ads on the site, so I had a pretty good clue that it doesn't pay any bills.
I loved your analogy, though.