Strange Substance Spotted in Arizona Rivers
This week, an odd substance has been spotted in Arizona rivers. Courtesy of a commenter badassredskin on, some good Sedona flood before and after pictures:
Slide Rock Park, near Sedona before (note bathroom building for reference)
Same park, more recently:
This has made a real mess of the Oak Creek Canyon near Sedona, which by the way I consider one of the most beautiful spots on earth. Slide Rock Park is a great park, though I am a bit biased since my company runs the concession store at Slide Rock Park. Our building at this park is fine, but we have had several of our campgrounds in this canyon flooded.
Wow! I have pictures of me there when I was about ten years old sitting in that cold water.
This was excellent! I did a piece last week: I told you it was an Arizona thing!