In Chicago For a Few Days

In Chicago for a few days to take my kids to some of my favorite museums - Art Institute, Field Museum, Museum of Science and Technology.

Of course, within about 5 hours of arriving, one my my kids has barfed all over me. I do not know what it is - my kids are very seldom sick but travel seems to wipe them out. One or the other has barfed in the first 24 hours of the last 4 vacations. Wish me luck

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Take them while they are young, because getting 'taken' to a museum when you're 19, well, it starts to get a little odd. Just a tad.

I hear you. One of the millions of problems of being a parent that no one ever explains to you is: How do you try to transfer your love and enthusiasm for certain things to your kids, without just turning them off through boredom. I expect to bat 50/50 or so - I think the kids will yawn through the art institute but I would be shocked if my kids don't get excited by the museum of science and technology. Any how can you not like Sue (the T-rex)

from a lurking reader...

if you stroll past the Tribune Tower, know that one of your readers sits inside ;)