Bush is a Total Failure
James Hansen is a climate scientist at NASA. He has accused the Bush administration of exerting too much political control of government scientists and of censoring him. If so, the Bush administration is doing a really horrible job, as demonstrated by this chart:
As a libertarian, I am the first to believe that government funding of science is corrupting. Mr. Hansen should consider leaving the government immediately for one of the many universities who would eagerly have him on their faculty.
Unfortunately, I suspect it is not free inquiry that Mr. Hansen wants. I suspect he treasures his position of government power. He does not want a position of equality in a free exchange of ideas, he wants a position of power from which he can dictate without accountability. He wants government power without the check of accountability and criticism. He wants someone paying his bills but he doesn't want a boss. Well grow up. If you don't like working for the Bush administration or the scrutiny that comes with accepting public funding, and I certainly would not, then leave.
Leave the government for a position at a university--that's hilarious! It's kinda like saying "leave the church for the monastery."
Hansen didn't fare at all well in the IG investigation, i.e. gov't 3 - hansen 0