The Nazis Also Created Ethnic & Political Litmus Tests For Most Jobs

So apparently Disney and the Mandalorian team have kicked Gina Carano off the show.  In the past she has aggravated the Left by expressing skepticism about modern Transgender ideology.  But according to the WSJ, the immediate cause for the final parting of the ways was this:

On Tuesday, Ms. Carano shared an Instagram story, or a post that disappears, that read in part: “most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views,” according to a report in Variety on Wednesday.

Perhaps this is missing some context, but I have a hard time disagreeing much with this statement, much less advocating someone be subject to the modern woke blacklist.  As I understand the modern Hollywood rules,

  • It is wrong to employ any actor for a role, say, as a deaf gay Aleut unless the actor is also deaf, gay and Aleut
  • It is simultaneously wrong to cast a tough, blunt, unsubtle, possibly non-empathetic actress who has  strong feelings on totalitarian governments as a character that is tough, blunt, unsubtle, not particularly empathetic, and has strong feelings about the totalitarian Imperial government.

Of course, another thing the Nazis did was blacklist Jews from the public square and most any sort of employment.