An Update on the "Failing at Fairness" Gender Myth

A couple of years ago I wrote about the 1994 Myra Sadker book "Failing at Fairness,"  a book that tried to make the case that girls were getting hosed (as compared to boys) by the US educational system.  Leaving aside my general sense that all kids of all races and genders are getting hosed by the current public school system, the idea that girls were doing worse in education was already wrong in 1994 and is demonstrably ridiculous today.  I showed these charts at the time.  First from the indispensable Mark Perry:

In this second chart, even the New York Times has noticed

Really, one only needs to go look at the unemployed knuckleheads living in their parents' house and rioting for Antifa to know we have a boy problem today, not a girl problem.  But I wanted to add one more piece of data, from some research I cannot vouch for in Self.  The income results for young women are about what you would expect from the education data above, and the crossover (somewhat coincidentally because it is dependent on start date chose) almost exactly matches the crossover in the education data.

Perhaps it has always been so, but we live in a time when our social science mythology is really divorced from social science data.