Get Kindle Versions of My Books Free For A Limited Time

Starting today, through about October 2, the Kindle electronic version will be free for both my books.   This includes my novel BMOC and my short story String Theory.


  1. Richard Arrett:

    Thanks for the links. I will download and check them out. I will also review them, but have a bunch of free books in my queue, so it could be a couple months before I get to them. Thanks again.

  2. Hal_10000:

    I'm curious how you get the free option with the short story. I thought you could only do free promotions with KDP select, which requires a $2.99 minimum price.

  3. Donald Greer:

    So when you gonna finish String Theory? I know it was just a brain dump, but you set up a great little story!

  4. Vangel:

    Bought them. But thanks anyway.