Assuming the Worst

One of the traditions of college football is that rabid student fans will paint their face, and sometimes whole body, in school colors.  So when some ASU students painted their face black (the school's uniform color for the last several years) for a college football game, one would expect that people would take this as an entirely normal event, an expression of school loyalty.  One would NOT expect that people would immediately assume the face-painting was some sort of racist statement.  I mean, really, you wouldn't expect the rules to be different just because the school's uniform color happened to be black, right?

Well, you would be wrong.  In this hyper-sensitive world of people SEEKING to be offended, people got offended.

PS - when our Coyote's hockey team makes the playoffs, they have a thing called a "white out" where everyone dresses in white, face paints in white, etc.  Next time they make the playoffs (which may be a while), I think I am going to be offended.


  1. ErikEssig:

    I blame Nike.

  2. Zachriel:

    Turns out the team has two colors.

  3. Sam L.:

    "I mean, really, you wouldn't expect the rules to be different just
    because the school's uniform color happened to be black, right?" Aren't you old enough and experienced enough to know better?

  4. obloodyhell:

    }}} In this hyper-sensitive world of people SEEKING to be offended, people got offended.

    As long ago as 1990, in "Parliament of Whores", P.J. O'Rourke gave them a name: The Perpetually Indignant.

    And duh, of course they would.

    There are idiots getting offended at the term "black hole" for crying out loud. OF COURSE that's "offensive" to these asswipes.

  5. obloodyhell:

    No, Gay Rights should be blamed on nike, because all gays want to "swoosh".

    The problem here, is, duh, George Bush.

  6. Jason Azze:

    I'm more offended by the name "Sun Devils" because the sun, as we all know, is one of the major causes of global warming, and the Devil is the Prince of Darkness or something.

  7. ErikEssig:

    As usual.

  8. Donald:

    In order for you to be offended at the Coyotes game, I presume a person of color, and not a white person, would have to paint their face white. To be a smart a$$ it's a hockey game. you'd have better luck at a NASCAR event finding that particular set of circumstances..

  9. Don:

    You're a member of the majority, an oppressor, therefore you have not right to be offended.

    Or some such nonsense like that.

  10. marque2:

    I remember that. It was a space themed audio Hallmark card, for graduation. You know, you graduated,take on the Universe.