So Much For the Patrimony

Would a visiting alien look at these photos and assume men were in charge?


  1. STW:

    My wife works at a quilting shop. The store has a designated "man chair" with appropriate magazines to keep the man happy. They wish a gun store would move in next door.

  2. mesaeconoguy:

    I can help you with that

    However, you may need an excellent solicitor.

  3. Steve Merryman:

    I think you mean the "Patriarchy"

  4. jhertzli:

    They look sleep deprived. Obviously, it's all Capitalism's Fault for making them work long hours...

  5. Sam L.:

    I say! Pip, pip, Cheerio, and all that!

  6. MNHawk:

    The Big Ten Network app on my smartphone has been a godsend!