Most Common Book Title?

I have no data on it, but "Dust" must be up there somewhere.  Was looking for a book of that name and found five zillion different ones on Amazon.


  1. SkepticalCynical:

    Don't do it! You'll really be happier with the series if you stop after Shift. You pretty much know the full story, and you'll probably like the resolution in your head better.

  2. Sol:

    Elizabeth Bear's Dust is a fine science fiction so high-tech it's almost fantasy story along the lines of Roger Zelazny and Gene Wolfe.

  3. Joshua Vanderberg:

    Looking for Hugh Howey I assume

  4. davesmith001:

    I'm reading Dust of the wool series right now. It has its ups and downs, but I've enjoyed the series so far.

  5. Russ R.:

    You'll probably find that the vast majority of those are used books that describe the condition of the "dust cover".

  6. herdgadfly:

    Dust by Hugh Howey here.