So Much For Being Able to Keep My Health Insurance
Blue Cross just wrote me that our current health insurance policy will not be renewable for next year. Unfortunately, I have actual health insurance rather than pre-paid medical care (meaning that it has a high deductible and pays for catastrophic things rather than aromatherapy visits). Kathleen Sebelius does not think what I have is "real insurance" so she and Obama have banned it, despite promising that if I like my health insurance I would be able to keep it.
Depends on location. High deductable (over $5k/year/single) have run me around $60/month here, but those plans are soon to go away, as "insurance" is now forced to become "prepaid medical"
Let me write more clearly for you. Right now the government mandates that people put their children in child safety seats. You are apparently opposed to that. Ergo, you and your fellow travelers would give people the FREEDOM!! to put your kid anywhere you damn well wanted to. Heck maybe you should have the freedom to not buckle them in. Yay, liberty!
You spelled deductible wrong.
"You are apparently opposed to that"
You are apparently unable to read/or comprehend conversational English, instead relying on odd constructions of your own making and attributing them to others.
Sad. But interesting that such a person is a seeming ACA supporter.
You spelled "affordable care" wrong. :)
"I'm not an expert in every state"
Yet that stops you from pontificating... Hmm.
I must of misunderstood your statement that "choice is bad or something" My apologies.
Ok..that was funny. I give you that.
I'm so happy that the site owner gave me a kudo.
Wait, what?
Your parents had a choice. I see they chose life.
The ObamaCare lie that gangrenelli is spreading is conflating the subsidized "cost" of health insurance as "cheaper". It simply ain't. I am a 49 year old male with 1 dependent. My health insurance cost is going from $134/month for a $10,000 deductible plan I WANT to over $550/month for a $6500 deductible plan I don't want.
If you go on the exchange and get a cheaper cost that is only because someone else is paying the differnece.
Lastly, as far as the answer to "who is paying the cost of a non-insured pregnant woman going to the emergency room", we all do. But, those costs are allocated amongst the fix costs of providing medical care meaning that the procedure costs are higher. THis does impact insurance rates, but it is done in a way that allocates those cost amongst reasobabe risk groups.
Further, the entire statement of "WHO IS PAYING" belies the whole purpose of ObamaCare. When Reagan and a bipartisan Congress passed EMTALA we essentially had "universal health care" in the United States. There really were no "uninsured" people in this country, including illegal immigrants. What ObamaCare has done, however, is shift how the health care risk is priced in this country and made what should be for most people a very inexpensive thing ($134/month) to a much more expensive thing ($550).
The ObamaCare lie that Gangrenelli is spreading is conflating the cost to a subsidized individual to the cost of the health insurance. It simply ain't the case. I am a 49 year old male with 1 dependent. I have a $10,000 deductible plan that I WANT that cost $134/month. Under ObamaCare, my unsubsidized cost for the Bronze ($6500 deductible) Plan I DONT WANT is $550/month.
To answer the question he posed about the pregnant woman that is uninsured goint to the emergency room, we all pay. But, those cost are allocated across the entire fixed costs of the health care system. THe marginal variable costs of that procedure are minimal (but not zero). This means that these costs impact our insurance rates but do so in a way that allocates them across risk, which is precisely how costs should be allocated in an insurance pool.
Lastly, by bringing the uninsured woman up he simpy makes the entire concept of ObamaCare moot. When Reagan signed the EMTALA Act, passed by a bipartisan Congress, everyone in this country (including illegal immigrants) was "insured". No one was being left behind for medical care. Itis clear the a Congress and Executive that was interested in a bipartisan approach to the issue could have found ways of making this care more efficient and many cost savings. But it is also clear the the Democrats have absoutely no interest in doing so.
Instead, they passed a teribly designed law that raises insurance rates across the board and prices health care risk for almost everyone from something htat was relatively inexpensive ($134/month) to something that is relatively expensive ($550/month).
Why does this sound like a script?
I'll take that backhanded compliment. Admit it, I debate better than most libs.
Yes people should have that freedom. If stupid people want to kill themselves why should we get in the way?
Yes, Your skill at changing the subject and avoiding questions is unmatched. Have you thought of running for congress?
So redistributing wealth from the poor to the rich is okay with you. Okay then.
The footnotes were on the teleprompters.
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