Most Obscene Example of Promoting Government Dependency I Have Ever Seen

We are going to cancel the health care policies of millions of middle class Americans, then raise their rates, and then give half of them taxpayer subsidies so it seems like they got a rate cut.

Industry experts like Larry Levitt, of the Kaiser Family Foundation, say the insurance companies have no choice. "What we're seeing now is reality coming into play," he said.

Obamacare forces them to drop many of their plans that don't meet the law's 10 minimum standards, including maternity care, emergency visits, mental health treatment and even pediatric dental care.

That means consumers have to sign on to new plans even if they don't want or need the more generous coverage. Industry experts say about half the people getting the letters will pay more -- and half will pay less, thanks to taxpayer subsidies. Levitt said, "The winners outnumber the losers here, but because of all the website problems, it's hard to find out who the winners are because they don't even know it themselves."

Millions of middle class people who were independent and paid for their own health insurance will soon be wards of the state.


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Millions of middle class people who were independent and paid for their own health insurance will soon be wards of the state.

Plainly by design...after all, this is how communist states work.

not to mention the vast expansion of Medicaid

"Millions of middle class people who were independent and paid for their own health insurance will soon be wards of the state."

You mis-spelled "winners".

This has been done unofficially with college tuition for decades. Tuition goes up and the government induces more dependency by increasing federally subsidized student loans.

This is the stated goal of the Socialist Democratic Party.

I would be completely unsurprised to see Hitlary mention this prominently in an upcoming campaign speech.