Look Mom, Swahili

My daughter is in Tanzania this summer for a secular service project.  Her first Swahili:  Jina langu ni Amelia, Ninatoka jimbo la Arizona which I hope means "my name is Amelia, I am from Arizona."

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}}} which I hope means "my name is Amelia, I am from Arizona."

Yeah, that's what they TOLD her it meant.

According to google translate it does mean what you think it means. - http://translate.google.com/#auto/en/Jina%20langu%20ni%20Amelia%2C%20Ninatoka%20jimbo%20la%20Arizona

Hopefully the reputation of Joe Arpaio hasn't made it to Tanzania... they'll think she's raiding them.

Why did you feel compelled to say it was a secular project?

Google translate is in on the leftist Swahili translation scam as well :P

That is interesting. Why the peculiar qualifying if the motivation for the trip to Tanzania?

He wanted everyone to know it wasn't a missionary position project...?


(Sorry, Warren, FAR too good a straight line to pass up).