Where's Coyote?

Last year at a charity auction I was able to win, at a substantially discounted price, passes for a weight-loss program I would not normally be able to afford.  My daughter and I will be attending this weekend in Las Vegas.  I will post a report next week.


  1. Another guy named Dan:

    Aerodynamically-induced bulimia?

  2. Andrew Meyer:

    That is awesome! I hope you have a great time.


  3. Jens Fiederer:

    This sounded SO boring until I followed the link!

  4. Dan:

    Awesome! Have a blast!

  5. Jerry:

    Wow! Very cool, I hope you have a great time.

  6. Dan:

    I am so jealous. Have a great time!

  7. mark:

    yeah but your mass won't change!

  8. Mark2:

    @Mark1 but he can always go to church in Vegas.

  9. caseyboy:

    Take a barf bag.

  10. elambend:

    holy cow, just being there to party with the weight-losers is almost 200 smackers.

    Have fun! It looks like a blast.

  11. Craig:

    Just stop eating wheat. Y'know: bread, pasta, and pizza. Eat all you want of anything else. You'll be amazed.