Steampunk Radar

I thought this was an interesting, pre-radar technology that has a lot of visual appeal.  These are Japanese devices for detecting aircraft approach by listening for their motor


  1. Dan:

    Done all over the world - not just the Japanese

    There are about a dozen different images of this idea shown on the post I googled. Bet you could find others.

    BTW - this is an example for me of how crazy the patent system can be. One overly broad patent would nuke all these devices today. The patent filing would be a diagram of a dude in a field with his ear cupped.

  2. Ian Random:

    They still look like musical instruments. Anyway, the acoustic mirrors in England look just plain weird.

  3. Corky Boyd:

    In the early stages of WW2 there was an emplacement in Washington DC near American University, that used similar technology. It had three large parabolic cups to listen for incoming bombers. I doubt they were very effective either for us or the Japanese.

    At a time we had few victories and something that looked so strange and impressive was a morale builder.