Nice Satire

If you want some enjoyable satire this Friday, this is a nice piece from Ken at Popehat, who has gone the libel tourism route by using French courts to sue a US editor for a bad review of a US book by a US author.

The article becomes all the sweeter as a recent email he received raises the possibility that this particular academic completely missed the heavy-handed irony and satire.


  1. anoNY:

    The post implies that it is Ken who is suing the author of the review. This would just make his satire all the better, and I implore you not to change it!

  2. Henry Bowman:

    Actually, the editor is U.S., the actual reviewer is German, the plaintiff is Israeli (possibly U.S., as well), and the court is French. The review only appeared online (I think), and I do not know where the web server was located. More discussion over at VC.