Government Employee of the Year

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honorable mention:

all the san francisco workers.

More than 1 in 3 of San Francisco's nearly 27,000 city workers earned $100,000 or more last year - a number that has been growing steadily for the past decade.

The number of city workers paid at least $100,000 in base salary totaled 6,449 last year. When such extras as overtime are included, the number jumped to 9,487 workers, nearly eight times the number from a decade ago. And that calculation doesn't include the cost of often-generous city benefits such as health care and pensions.

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I saw part of that skit on SNL. It was funny but after twenty seconds the point had been made. Didn't stick around to find out which of the three contestants won Employee Of The Year.

The woman in pink is probably the one nominated for an Oscar in "Precious". Didn't see the movie.

The problem of public employees pay, pensions, and benefits can be fixed as long as obligations can be shed through a process like bankruptcy. Or reduced ala the PBGC process. Or the public can limit taxation.

Those solve the problem. For when the money is gone, it is gone. And knowing that the public employees have an incentive to negotiate and seek a viable solution.

But if the obligations cannot be shed or reduced the public employees have no reason to deal with the matter. So they will insist upon exact performance.

That is where public and private employment differ. The private employee cannot insist on what the employer cannot provide. Reality sets the limit.

a process like bankruptcy

I'm surprised that SNL would take such a swipe at our noble public servants.