If CO2 Alarmists Have Their Way...

They will bring back this charming vista to our cities


Hanging laundry to dry is a common prescription by environmentalists.   This picture is from 1900, the last year we were at some of the CO2 targets currently being proposed.

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I seem to remember from a Simpsons episode where Marge and Homer lived in the tenements before moving to their house and that Bart would engage in hilarious hi-jinks on clothes lines much like these... so I for one look forward to my reduced-carbon future when my kids can engage in similar activities

ooooh, the HOAs in suburban developments all over the country will REVOLT! And who is going to win? Carbon-sparing hippie peaceniks or old war vets that just want everyone to keep of their finely manicured lawn?

About then is when they'll decide that water vapor is the real greenhouse gas after all.

Luckily, the municipality in which I live has made it punishable by law to air dry laundry. I like the smell and lesser wear and tear, but, hey, the risk that some neighbors could conceivably what they construe to be lingerie outweighs my right to do as I'd like on my property. I get that.

I actually recall seeing a fair bit of this while visiting southern France and Italy last year.

Maybe you could also post a picture of whale sending boats and people flying with a flick of its tail or of houses and fields covered in Passenger Pigeon poop.

So, how is it that the mission of intrusive, highly-regulatory HOAs is suddenly "good"?

HOAs are quasi-gov't entities that combine the worst of both worlds: less regulation that cities and towns, but every bit as intrusive and oppressive.

I happen to like drying my laundry outside, b/c Maryland's power rates are quite high, and it markedly reduces my gas bill. Regardless, I thought libertarians were about liberty...that means the liberty to choose especially in something as innocuous as laundry.

I don't see the apparatus that is to collect and dispose of the inevitable piles of horse droppings. *THAT* was the biggest problem facing NYC near the turn of the last century.
While I don't mind the odor of cow or horse manure, I suspect there may be some on the NYC upper west side that will be offended. Heh, might be worth it, after all, just to offend. I find the thought deliciously humorous... Never mind.

I find the clothes on the line to be less offensive than the idea that we may all be forced to live in dwellings similar to those in the photo in order to limit our carbon footprint.

I am very tech savvy:

I have a 'Solar Powered Laundry Drying Station' in my home!

(i.e. a piece of rope to hang your laundry in the attic)

I will do this, if the warming gets warm enough to keep wet clothes from freezing.

nothing gets my white clean like hanging them over Lexington avenue...

whites, that is

I used lines for clothes drying extensively at 6 previous homes, but at my current one for some reason I cannot put out laundry without finding droppings of birds on it later.
It is a pity, because one of the reasons for choosing the house was that the HOA allows clotheslines.

Kyle Bennett, that's hilarious. And sadly probably true.

Don't you just know that if/when it turns out that sun spot activity is really the cause of the warming, and that we're about to go into a cooling period as that activity tails off, the enviros will STILL need to take over the world economy? B/c, see, we'll be cold then, and the world will desperately need some wise greenies to thriftily husband our dwindling energy resources for us.

Hotter, colder, doesn't matter, now that they have seen how this can work, they will still find a way to demand to hold the keys to the world economy.

In the late 70's we hung our clothes out to dry. We couldn't afford a drier. Nothing like clean clothes mixed with bird poo. Lovely.

I am still very confused.
When I was a teenager it was all over the news that we were entering a new ice age. All life as we saw it, would be gone in our lifetime!

Now the 'science' points to global warming and...

As I study the figures and science, I find it best to be happy, and live my life in a positive way. I will conserve where I can because it is what I want to do.

My laundry tends to become quite stiff for many months of the year and takes months to dry.

I have to wonder what we will be talking about when my teenagers are fifty. Will it be a new ice age, continued glogal warming or, heaven forbid, can we just live with peace of mind knowing we are ok?

Know that I will be watching from above to see what you all have come up with - I will be the ghost with a smile.

Aspenimage - I'm having trouble working out where drying laundry would both become stiff and take months to dry.
High humidity would lengthen drying time, but also tends to make things limp, does it not?

I've line dried in cities from Valletta to Montreal, and find in winter the colder the temperature the faster the drying. colder=less humidity=faster sublimation

I find your blogs interesting but sometimes a huge blunder. Like the "Why Light Rail" articles you wrote calling for a huge failure of the line... interestingly enough, you couldn't have been more wrong.

That was the "Why Light Rail Will Fail in Phoenix" pieces.