Economics of Lobbying

I was familiar with the dynamics of the all-pay auction (I always called it the Wargames auction -- the only winning move is not to play).  I had never thought of it as a good analog for lobbying expenditures, but it makes a lot of sense once David Zetland made the point.  Good video at the link.

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the link is bad

This is probably what he's referring to:

My PC concurs with Elam Bend: Invalid url.

I was unfamiliar w/ this all-pay auction concept. Interesting. The analogy to lobbying makes complete sense.

Moreover, here's info on people trying to make money on the concept

EconTalk did an entire podcast with Mike Munger on how this type of auction relates to government attempts at giving away free money.

@LoneSnark -- thanks for the x-ref. I added it (plus more comments) to this post:

@All -- yes, you got the right link :)