Apparently Chelsea Clinton and I Have Something in Common

Apparently Chelsea Clinton will start work soon as a McKinsey associate.  However, she doesn't seem to have had to solve eight or ten business case studies in real-time during interviews as I had to, nor am I guessing that she will spend her first year working 80-hour weeks buried in spreadsheets and charts.  As a aside, the first partner I worked with at McKinsey was Jeff Skilling, of Enron fame, one of the brightest people I ever worked with.


  1. diz:

    I believe Chelsea's McK career has already come and gone. She started while I was there, and I left in 2004. She probably started in 2003 or so.

  2. Craig:

    Yeah, the NYT says she left there last fall to work at a hedge fund that is "a loyal donor to Democratic causes generally, and Clinton-related ones specifically."

  3. Olivier Schreiber:

    What are the chances of Skillings appeal of succeeding?
    Being that intelligent, shouldn't he have realized it after his sentencing or 25 years?
    And in that case, what did he have to lose, trying to make a run for the border?
    Same with Ebbers.

  4. TCO:

    Skilling is a middle-brow and Lowell Bryant is a fat trendster. And that place has too much the patina of thinking and not enough real enquisitiveness.

    I remember the Enron team coming to talk to my clients. Made me sick how they would dance when you tried to really get to a real insight on what value they were creating with all the blather of turning stocks into bonds, etc. I was asked to work on a knowledge development study for how to take the Enron model forward to other industries, but turned it down. Something just didn't click in terms of intellectual inquiry. 6 months later Enron went tits up. You could see it coming. You could see the people spouting the spout, were spouters and dotcom hypers more than thinkers.

    Don't listen to any of the McKers who try to blame Enron on fraud rather than business model. It was the smoke and mirrors business model and the patina of smarts that held the whole thing up.