Beautiful Screen Technology

I saw this e-ink screen technology on a Sony e-book reader at Fry's Electronics the other day.  It is gorgeous.  Give me one of these with Linux and a web browser, and it will be very close to the device I have been looking for (something like the form factor of a Nokia 770 and the capability of the small sony handeld computer)

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I actually have a friend who works for the company that developed that stuff, and remember when he'd bring pre-prototype samples to cons to show off. It was indeed insanely cool, and very obvious that if they ever worked the bugs out it would have a huge impact on mobile tech in the future.

Looks like they've worked out (at least most of) the bugs. :)

I've been wanted a device similar to what you describe for quite some time. I'm a book work and tend to carry half a dozen books whenever I travel. It would be nice to consolidate everything into a single device, especially if that device allows for taking notes, PDA functionality web browsing and RSS feed aggregation.